Video From My Home Studio (Acoustic Treatment & Rack Walkthrough)

GH! Good to see you around here again man. If I knew self-indulgent videos would bring you out of the woodwork, I'd have done some earlier!

Don't worry the 6505 is in the wardrobe. It comes out every now and then when a band is on a budget and I'm reamping into impulses... or reamping some quick leads or solos. You bet your arse the A/C here is almost on around the clock. In the dead of winter though it's great. The gear keeps the room at a toasty 22 to 24 degrees, while outside is 4, 5 degrees or whatever (celsius, folks). Dave from In Malice's Wake has your cab now btw (again), and he's putting it to great use. They're playing a gig with Demolition and Elm Street at Cherry Bar in the CBD tomorrow, grand final night, in case you're interested in catching up :)

Thanks for watching, guys.

@Burny: Awesome! Chase is sexy. He was on a soap tv show here called Neighbours, that the UK guys may be familiar with, before he moved up there and landed a side-kick spot on a US drama.

@Soultrash: 4th unit is the GSSL.

@Shadow_Walker: I don't think a room can get 'too dry' if you absorb evenly at all frequencies. The problem people have with 'dead' rooms is that they usually only use thin foam all around, so they essentially absorb everything above 500hz, but all the low-mid/bass mud is still there causing shit. My room is treated quite uniformly, and it doesn't cause me issues when mixing whatsoever. A room of this size, your only options are 'dead' or 'shit', so you pick one or the other and roll with it. Diffusion and all that only comes into play in larger spaces.

@Bereavement: The 5L is awesome. It eats up half my desk space. Good luck with your renovation/overhaul.

@sedit1: I usually track all vocals through a Distressor, so there's no need to use it in the mix on my own projects. By the time I'm done they've usually hit about 4 different in-line compression stages, and that's before it's hit the master bus comp and mastering chain.

Re: the accent. I'm an import, so maybe that's why it doesn't show as much. I was born in Europe, so I have a tinge of what you might call the 'wog accent'.
@Shadow_Walker: I don't think a room can get 'too dry' if you absorb evenly at all frequencies. The problem people have with 'dead' rooms is that they usually only use thin foam all around, so they essentially absorb everything above 500hz, but all the low-mid/bass mud is still there causing shit. My room is treated quite uniformly, and it doesn't cause me issues when mixing whatsoever. A room of this size, your only options are 'dead' or 'shit', so you pick one or the other and roll with it. Diffusion and all that only comes into play in larger spaces.

What I had in mind was that your perception of the quality and quantity of ambience in the mix or track becomes different when your room is very dead.
Different? Sure. Worse? No. It's the same as any other space - once you're used to hearing records in it, you know how to adjust your ambiance levels relative to it.

@Mago: Just try convincing my girlfriend of that!

@Heavy Jerk: Sure am, Mr. Sound Surgeon :)
@Mago: Just try convincing my girlfriend of that!

Send her over here and I'll try ;)

srsly though, is that in your basement? if yes then holy shit, great room to have sex in. still great to have sex in if it's not in your basement though :lol:
Cool vids Ermin! Fuelling my GAS for outboard compressors!
It really is about time I bought a book about electronics and made an SSL clone...
Cool vids Ermin! Fuelling my GAS for outboard compressors!
It really is about time I bought a book about electronics and made an SSL clone...

i should have made a clone years ago, ive been doing electronics for 8 years and my final project for a course i did 7 years ago was a pitch shifter! lol

my issue is mainly in the transformer area, the semi conductors are no issue, its the more specific ones i struggle to source!
@Burny: Awesome! Chase is sexy. He was on a soap tv show here called Neighbours, that the UK guys may be familiar with, before he moved up there and landed a side-kick spot on a US drama.

Billy Kennedy!

Its fuckin late here, but I thought i'd sign on to say thanks for doing the videos- I meant to check them out earlier today. Totally Awesome, and always appreciated.
Jesse Spenser. Now what's more sad, remembering his real name or his screen name :lol:

Thanks for the vids Ermz. Looks like it's all coming along nicely.
Do you have any plans to upgrade or change your treatment later down the track?
Also, when you're talking about the thickness in the pannel trapps, you're talking overall depth, not the amount of rockwool right?
I wasn't talking about the density, if that's what you mean, Dan. The thickness is just how deep the actual panel is. The rockwool stuff isn't very dense at all. It'd be like 32kg/m3 or something. The Acoustisorb 3 is 48kg/m3, which is more acceptable. When I sourced the rockwool, I wasn't aware of the studio-grade options, so it's not as effective as it could be.

@Drew: ummmm..... lazyness? hah. It's very hard to get a semi-permanent fixture in place to hold breathable fabric over the corner traps. It can't be permanent since it's a rental property, so my hands are tied. Believe it or not all the current treatment is free-standing.

@Jarko: Nope i haven't tested. I think I'd just be depressed if I did. I use my ears to hear the improvement, and that's enough for me.

@Mago: No, it's just a normal room in a house, haha.

Thanks again for watching.