Video From My Home Studio (Acoustic Treatment & Rack Walkthrough)

Thanks guys. Here is the final with all the extra tracks and automation in place: One Mix 5.mp3

As you can tell, that one in the video was still missing a lot.

PS. I've never had much luck with parallel and outboard either. I don't think the delay compensation engines of these DAWs are up to the task. Bear in mind that converters can drop sync too, and that can cause phase issues with stuff that seems to start in phase.
What headphones are those on your desk? I wondering how/if they are a part of your production process.

I really appreciate the look into the sound treatment.
Thanks for the comments!

@axonic: Yes, they are ath-m50s. I don't use them for audio production outside of editing late at night.

I just ran off two more version of this mix with the guitars bumped up. I think it's greatly improved the cohesion/strength of the choruses. One Mix 7.mp3 One Mix 8.mp3

Version 8 has louder vox than 7. Please tell me which you prefer. I don't want the vocal line to be buried under the guitars.
Very Linkin Park
8 definitely sounds better to me, although the singer reminds me of weird Al for some reason :loco:
this sounds fucking awesome! Really, really nice tone. (Version 8 sounding best to me)
I would be very pleased, if you can tell us something about your master chain. Is the first slot a reverb? And what about Izotope after the l1?
I use Curve EQ to make poopy bass sounds get closer to proper bass sounds. Stuff done that sounds like the strings are 3 months old etc. just doesn't have the same life and vibrancy, so Curve EQ gets you a step closer to decent bass sounds.