Video From My Home Studio (Acoustic Treatment & Rack Walkthrough)

Re: the accent. I'm an import, so maybe that's why it doesn't show as much. I was born in Europe, so I have a tinge of what you might call the 'wog accent'.

Born in eastern europe, right?
Cool room anyway erm, I'd just put something over the bass traps, you know to make them cool and to not breathe rockwool(or whatever it is) all the day, it can irritates your throat. that shit leaves always some stuff around lol
^ Some more infos on this polyester-based insulation product? Is it efficient?
Where to find it?

Giuseppe [giubis]
Nice video Ermz. Btw, how do you get the comps to go back to the DAW in time? Because when I tried to use outboard comp for drum bus for example it would shift a few ms, not sure about single elements but for a drum bus it did that and it was really annoying. Haven't really tried on a single snare or kick but it should be the same case right?
Nice video Ermz. Btw, how do you get the comps to go back to the DAW in time? Because when I tried to use outboard comp for drum bus for example it would shift a few ms, not sure about single elements but for a drum bus it did that and it was really annoying. Haven't really tried on a single snare or kick but it should be the same case right?

Usually DAWs support External Inserts, where you can set in/output volume and also compensate the delay, at least in sonar is auto, don´t know in other daws...and everytime I bounce the track I sent to the compressor it preserves its phase.

One thing Ermz, could you tell me please which tracks goes to eache piece of hardware??? I see the snare, or paralel snare goes to Distressor...but I´d like to know more...are you using Cubase´s external insert function as well??
Cheers man, good mix :worship:
Usually DAWs support External Inserts, where you can set in/output volume and also compensate the delay, at least in sonar is auto, don´t know in other daws...and everytime I bounce the track I sent to the compressor it preserves its phase.

One thing Ermz, could you tell me please which tracks goes to eache piece of hardware??? I see the snare, or paralel snare goes to Distressor...but I´d like to know more...are you using Cubase´s external insert function as well??
Cheers man, good mix :worship:

That's what I use on Cubase 5, it comes in a few ms off, don't know if it has to do with buffer size, although that would defeat the purpose of mixing with it and plugins
Thanks for the tip on the 703, Ermin. Thus far it looks like it's tough to come by unless you go through a commercial distributor... Still investigating.
Ermin...I can't remember which is your main audio interface.
I'm curious because I see the 2 RME ADI 8 that are 2 8 channels converters w/o preamps that are connecter via adat to your interface I suppose... so which is the signal's routing of an input in your signal?
Not sure what you mean there man. They're both hooked up, and both are running outboard through them. The RME ADI-8 AE (top) is the one setting the clock, and the one that has the Millennia running into it, and is also running out to the monitors.

The ADI-8 Pro shits me a bit because every time I turn it on it forgets the settings (other than that it's fine though), so I may be looking to sell it in the very near future to get another AE (if one pops up on the market again).
Sorry. I answered the exact same question on another forum yesterday, so I assumed I had answered it here too. Here it is from the other thread:

I use the External FX system in Cubase (I don't mix in ProTools). It gives you a relatively accurate line-up. Not entirely phase-accurate, but accurate enough if you're running it on tracks that aren't phase critical. For parallel compression you'd need to print and line up.
Yeah that's it. I realized I was too lazy to print 160 on snare and kick direct, and use the Distressor on snare in parallel. Distressor works fairly well in serial on snare too... it's a particular flavor, I think it created a pretty fat snare here.