Video - "What Could Have Been"

Wow! This is such a beautiful yet dark song. I love the video. I'll watch it again when im not falling asleep but WOW! It made me want to cry. The part where you smash the guitar feels so intense... great video. il comment more when im not tired but great job dudes! I'm happy for you guys that you got a great video.
stunning and beautiful are the words that come to mind. The song is fantastic, the vocals, guitar and violin were all fantastic. The video also took it to the next level!
I'm blown away guys. The song and video work so well. Such a beautiful song as well, love the duet stuff.
Damn. It's refreshing to see videos that tell a story, and aren't just a bunch of disjointed clips from an epileptic cameraman.

I'd be curious to know what the original concept was going to be, since I got from the podcasts that Larry was originally planned to be in the video, too. How much did things have to change from the original concept?

You just had to smash the guitar, didn't you? ;)

But seriously, both the song and the video are truly amazing!
Good song. Female vocals sounds a bit to loud for me (compared to the male voice). I don't really like her voice either. Fantastic male vocals though.
Good song. Female vocals sounds a bit to loud for me (compared to the male voice). I don't really like her voice either. Fantastic male vocals though.

The shot with Paul at the table immediately reminded me of a very famous shot of a Dutch film called Character (it ended up being on the cover). One of the very few Academy Award-winning films from our country. The whole movie and the book its based on revolve around father-child relationship, but of a different kind. Still I couldn't help but correlate the two images :)

As a general rule I don't really care for music videos, especially from metal bands. This one was pulled off quite well however.
Quality stuff. Quite different, but very haunting and catchy. Done very well. Her vocals remind me of a female Antony Hegarty. One thing though, what did the guitar do to piss you off?
Judging by comments I've seen on Youtube, FB, etc., this song seems to have alot of fans very divided. And that's perfectly ok. Songs like this one won't appeal to everyone. Along with the negatives, we've had some very strongly positive comments already about this song touching people. So it's all good.
Here's a favor I'd like to ask in regards to this song/video.....

If any of you guys have friends, relatives, spouses, co-workers, etc., who you think might like and appreciate this song (even or especially if they don't normally listen to bands like ND), please spread this clip around to them and recommend it. Obviously a song like this is only going to appeal to certain, more open-minded metalheads out there. But I think alot of people who normally wouldn't even listen to a metal band might actually like this song, and it would be cool to see a song like this really branch out to new listeners. So feel free to share this Youtube link with people through emails or on your Facebook pages or wherever. It all helps!
I'll post the video on an other forum I post on later on.
Although the forum is not about music, I think posters there will appreciate it.

Nice to hear Anneke. I already was a fan of her when she still was in The Gathering. She still amazes me with her voice.