Feb 23, 2006
hi, is anyone going to videotape on saturday at the galaxy? i've videotaped them twice myself at canes in san diego, and would be willing to trade if someone does far as i know it's o.k., i asked both times,and both times i was told yes. i would leave my camera in the car, then ask one of the girls or the manager, they said yes,went back to the car and got it. the worst they could do was say no, just leave it in the car and just go inside and drink & headbang to our favorite maiden tunes with the girls!
Hey all you traders- it would be cool to get a copy for the band, too!!!

Make that a condition when they ask permission for them to tape Aja. :D

No copy, no taping. IMHO it would just be good manners to provide the performers with a copy.

Maybe I'm just old fashioned that way ya know. :D

BTW on the January Canes show did you tapers catch the glass some pinhead tossed that flew between Liz and Wanda? Probably halfway through the show.

spideyjg said:
Make that a condition when they ask permission for them to tape Aja. :D
She already does. :D I'm hoping the band has a fat catalogue they'll sell to the fans one day, or at least trade copies of to the die-hards like me and Mr. Aria Pro II 65.

Bill, my first axe was an Aria Pro II. I still have it too. :headbang:
spideyjg said:
BTW on the January Canes show did you tapers catch the glass some pinhead tossed that flew between Liz and Wanda? Probably halfway through the show.

I didn't see it, but I could've missed it between many distractions that momentarily pulled me away from viewing the DVD.
All I can say is, if you are video taping tomorrow night be sure to save some video for later in the set too, don't blow all your tape and batteries at the top of the set! We gots some suprises for ya's! ;) This is gonna rawk!!!! :headbang:
Doodoobubbachuck said:
All I can say is, if you are video taping tomorrow night be sure to save some video for later in the set too, don't blow all your tape and batteries at the top of the set! We gots some suprises for ya's! ;) This is gonna rawk!!!! :headbang:
Too bad I won't be there. But I'll be there in spirit! May the force be with you...