Views on America.


Nov 19, 2001
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Its been awhile since Ive seen a proper discussion on The United States, our foreign policy, domestic policy, etc.

I'll start this off, by saying I am quite distressed at our empire building policy at present to justify military spending, and enrich the coffers of our energy executive president and cabinent(all of the members of the cabinent have been oil/energy executives or board members).

I am further enraged at how the war, and terrorism hae been used as devises to take away our few remaining civil liberties. ( Patriot Act). I understand we have been an empire for over fifty years now, but now that it is just so obscenely blatant at what our policy and objectives are, I am getting quite fed up.

I would like the president( and all presidents before him could have done this also) and the supreme court to actually read the constitution and the bill of rights, and openly state in public, they are no longer of any importance in our police state.
Come on... the American maybe fucked up before. But you have to agree with me, the Americans are the most powerfull , talking about money. So, what's wrong with becoming, for example, somalia, in another USA, i mean, it might be good for those people to have some more money.

But don't get me wrong...

I think the USA has fucked up big time, and they are digin their own grave. They have done too much... "bad thing" to our world, claiming diffrent. ..

Hummm.. soo fucking hard to say this in english.
I think Kennedy said it right, 42 years ago:

"In short, we must face problems which do not lend themselves to easy or quick or permanent solutions. And we must face the fact that the United States is neither omnipotent nor omniscient?that we are only six percent of the world's population?that we cannot impose our will upon the other ninety-four percent of mankind?that we cannot right every wrong or reverse each adversity?and that therefore there cannot he an American solution to every world problem."
True Protocol Kennedy was right in his assesment, but dead wrong in his actions; from the invasion of Cuba to the invasion of vietnam, he was part of the problem, and his administration led us down this horibble path of empire, and uncontrolled military use and spending.
That's a hilarious avatar groundzero.

This is one of the ways in which I'd like Bush to be more Kennedy: He got shot.