Views on America.

America as a country is consider to be a juvenile delinquent that needs a spanking.

Its the only place in the world that some one can BUY his rep or name or position in social standings.
Example: when Oprah was interveiwing Arnie and his wife (A Kennedy) Maria said she was from a prominent family. The "Kennedy's" are a popular family,but not prominent. The Grandfather made his wealth by bootlegging and smuggling booze over from Ireland durning prohibition and made 3 billion durning the "depression". So you can say that the Kennedy's bought their place in society. And later on some what earn their place in position by Jack and Robert Kennedy by political standards.

America should be more interested in their people's health and welfare then in war.

Americanize is to privatize,which is their biggest problem.

Why is it that Americans are frowned upon by the rest of the world? Because they lack the respect they so desperately seek,but don't give it in return.

What makes me upset is the treatment of aboriginal people on the American side. Mind you they haven't been treated well by the Canadian government either,but are given more assistance. Then again,we have FREE med-care. Where in the states it varies from state to state.

When I have more time,I'll say more.
America has followed the trend of Europe...where celebrities get more respect than law enforcement. It sucks. As does the way our government rapes the Constitution every day.
Should Law Enforcement get any respect? I'm from Cincinnati, where a 400lb black man was beaten to death by the cops on tape, we had race riots two years ago, and Sat they are going to march again. Look at how much power the police have now, if they even suspect drugs, you dont have any rights at all.

Potpossum, I think the wonderful thing about america is that one can buy power, and a higher social class. The problem is that one can buy a politician as well, and it is not illegal. Ive read a European member of parliament say that if he was to take openly take money and vote in the interest of lobbyists, he he would be thrown in jail in his country.

SPeaking of jail, we have 3 million in jail or on parole. All of working age, this pushes our unemployment rate to at least 10%, and if we actually counted those that have given up, it would be over 15% like Europe.
The american people are generally nice people, its just the american government gives the world the wrong image of the country. Just pisses me off that they accuse middle eastern countries of crimes against humanity, how hyopcritical, the american armed forces have killed more innocent people than any other country in the world. Bush is obsessed with making the world american and somehow merging state and religion and now he's on a crusade to rid the world of the "darkies" who dont support his fanatical religion. The american government is one of the most corrupt and money hungry in the world, then again our government isnt much better as tony blair is bush's lap dog.

America is a badly oppressed country thats ruled by overly rich, lazy retards who buy their way to power

I should shush, im probably being monitored by the FBI or some other secret agency
speed said:
Should Law Enforcement get any respect? I'm from Cincinnati, where a 400lb black man was beaten to death by the cops on tape, we had race riots two years ago, and Sat they are going to march again. Look at how much power the police have now, if they even suspect drugs, you dont have any rights at all.

Potpossum, I think the wonderful thing about america is that one can buy power, and a higher social class. The problem is that one can buy a politician as well, and it is not illegal. Ive read a European member of parliament say that if he was to take openly take money and vote in the interest of lobbyists, he he would be thrown in jail in his country.

SPeaking of jail, we have 3 million in jail or on parole. All of working age, this pushes our unemployment rate to at least 10%, and if we actually counted those that have given up, it would be over 15% like Europe.

What's so wonderful about buying your way? Where is the prestige in that?
Regardless what Americans can buy in their social circle,doesn't mean they can be seated with the elite at dinner. In Europe there are different levels of class,lower,middle,upper and high that are quite prominent in society. Just the same for money;there is old (inheritance),new (self made as in companies ect..),dirty (the Kennedy's money would be regarded as such),blood (criminal:mobsters,gangsters,drug lords ect..) and as well fell into (lotteries).
So you think if you fell into money you would be allowed to be seated next to the Queen? NO! Maybe if your of old money and upper high class with a stately family name;possiblity yes.
Then agun,you have to remember that America was first made up of degenerates from Europe. Mostly criminals that were given a second chance,though not much of a chance considering the harsh living conditions at that time.(Don't get mad at me for mentioning this. Its just a fact.) So in away America has always had something to prove to the rest of the world. That America survived,succeeded and surpassed. Unfortunately in having a good name is breed and your born into it and respect is earned,not bought and this is what America lacks. As well a higher standard of education and mannerisms.

As for your inmates that occupy space that some homeless person can use. I really believe in the death penalty and harsh laws of the Old World. Such as for thieving,chop a finger or hand off! (Bettcha the crime rate for stealing drops). A life for a life,an eye for a eye. People would think first before doing the crime if they knew the consequences were so severe.
And legalize soft drugs and have the government control it as well tax it for better use towards something of benfit,such as FREE rehab. By controlling the softer drugs will at least put a damper on the harder drugs that are being smuggle in with the soft drugs. America should look at the ways the Netherlands have handle the drug situation. Only 1% addiction rate for the whole country in Holland! Thats it! (I'm so glad Canada is beginning to adapt laws like Holland. Though are neighbors "America" is having a hissy fit because of it.) What I'm saying is that American society is like a child,if they know they can't have it,they want it. And if they know they can have it,they don't want it.

As for your policing,well there are alot of bad apples that spread out to the rest of the basket lets say. American troopers are known around the world as well to Canadians as corrupt as some criminals. Though there are a few good men that stand for what they were trained to do,and that is to protect and serve the public. There are situations that show differently,but there is good and bad in everything.
Profånity said:
America will do anything to start a war, they don't care what the public think, all they want to do is Americanize the world.
This is enough for me to realize that anyone who really has this opinion shouldn't even bother to speak it.

Oh, BTW, Russia voted against Koyoto Treaty too. Scream at them for a while why don't you :lol:

Profånity said:
You wouldn't be able to, all the middle Eeast and most of Europe would unite and destroy you.

Ha, yeah. Before that tho we would unite with Russia and become a super-mega power(which is covertly happening as we speak). China would submit and join us as well. With 3 billion people and a hyper economy that would come from all of our combined resources we would colonize the solar system in 30 years. Oh yeah, and Canada would join in too. They need us to buy our medications from them since our government and drug companies like to fuck us so hard on prices.

Let the middle east beat that :loco:
Potpossum you make a number of good and interesting points. However, I do disagree with your views on old testament justice. First, who hasnt stolen something in their lives, who hasnt picked up a friends girlfriend/wife etc. I know i am guilty, and would rather like to keep hand and dick, as I dont see how i am a problematic member of society. Second, our justice system is so flawed today, think how many innocent people would be walking the streets without hands etc.- when they are innocent victims of the system, and lets not forget, the inequalities of the system,, would a member of enron receive old testament punishment?- most likely not. Third, deterrance doesnt work against crime, the american justice system is an excellent example of this, we lead the industrialized world in murder rape, and prisoners, sentences and executions. Just a few thoughts on this.
What the vast majority of idiots in the u.s seem to have forgotten is that the law should reflect the people's morals and not the other way around. The law does not make right or wrong, right or wrong makes the law.

I can't be arsed to expand on this before I know there's a genuine interest. Suffice it to say that someone suggested the removal of all ludicrous warning stickers (misuse of this hammer may cause damage, this insectspray is harmful to insects) and let people hammer themselves to death and choke on insectspray. A brilliant notion.
The ludicrous stickers are laughable. Are we really that stupid that we don't know our coffee is hot? No, everyone has to cover their ass over here because people sue if they get burnt or smash their hands with a hammer. Judges need to throw this shit out of court the very second it pops up. I think for a while people were playing stupid but everything's been dumbed down so much that we may even devolve to meet it.
speed said:
Potpossum you make a number of good and interesting points. However, I do disagree with your views on old testament justice. First, who hasnt stolen something in their lives, who hasnt picked up a friends girlfriend/wife etc. I know i am guilty, and would rather like to keep hand and dick, as I dont see how i am a problematic member of society. Second, our justice system is so flawed today, think how many innocent people would be walking the streets without hands etc.- when they are innocent victims of the system, and lets not forget, the inequalities of the system,, would a member of enron receive old testament punishment?- most likely not. Third, deterrance doesnt work against crime, the american justice system is an excellent example of this, we lead the industrialized world in murder rape, and prisoners, sentences and executions. Just a few thoughts on this.

I don't know your up-bringing,but I was raised catholic with Quaker morals. My mother was a nun that my father convinced to leave the sisterhood. So,I was raised in a strict environment. I remember my Mom getting a phone and cable in the 80's as well having a t.v at our place of residence in the city. Which is rare in these days if your not poor. In regards that both my parents family are from families well off to begin with (old and new money),I was raised in such a manner. So when it comes to following the rules, I did. When your guardian is your Mother's brother (who was a detective in charge of the forensic unit and ran a detention home off the estate) such as I. My question to you is,have you've ever received a beating to implement the difference between right and wrong? I behaved well and continue to do so in hopes to regain my inheritance that I lost because of my recklessness in my teens and early 20's through the use of drugs(which I don't see as a big deal to smoke dope! Its legal where my Dad lives),but never fucked up my chances of losing my passport that I so desperately need to see my Dad in europe.
In France,they abolish the guilotine about twenty years ago. Now they're thinking of reinstating it again because they've notice the crime rate has increased over the years without it. France realizes with out severe punishment,people take advantage of the judicial system. To spend time in jail and waste a few years of one's life is nothing to a criminal!
For what you say about those that have been falsely accused,death row gives enough years to have their case reviewed or aquitted before they are put to death. And if there is a mistake,have the family sue as in the american way. American judicial system is guilty until proven innocent,where as in other countries (such as Canada) its innocent until proven guilty. And old testiment laws have proved in the past that they are effective when dealing with out of control society. For you to lose a hand,you would have stolen more than six times. Allowing the first offense to be a warning and followed by having a finger remove for any other time being caught. Unlike in the middle east,no warning;just a chop! If only now the American government can keep their nose out of their oil? Things would be more harmonious in the world. Unfortunately America is always looking for a way to undermine another and to benefit from it. Do you think Saddam would have been in power for as long as he was? NO! Thanks to BUSH senior who finanicially backed Saddam in the first place! Was to keep Iran at bay. Americans forget to easily of mishaps they're so a shame to mention in the first place. And as for the Asian states,don't think for a moment they have forgotten Hiroshima! The Asian states just haven't figured out a way to nuke the U.S. yet. Considering Asian states have their companies located mostly in america,they figure they'll just continue to buy up as much of the land to build their vast companies till there is no room for the average American entrepreneur can breath or american reside. An sedulously,but effective way of taking over one's land.
psykopain said:
i myself could care less what the rest of the world thinks of us Amaricans.
and i could care less for any "P.C." thinking.
if America cut us all off from the rest of the world that would be ok with me.
one worldism can kiss my ass.

And thats exactly the way you would be treated if you were to travel in europe. Europeans could care less to help an American.
And if America were to cut you off from the rest of the world,you would know how the Mexicans feel being cut off from the rest of the state you reside in.
As for kissing your ass,its so huge! Where would I begin?
Your ass is the same size as your mouth btw :Smug:
QUOTE Potpossum : "Europeans could care less to help an American."
What a load of SHITE. I don't know about other countries, but I find Scottish people are more than happy to help Americans. I like America and Americans, and I think, so do most Scots. And last time I checked, Scots are EUROPEANS.

QUOTE - Potpossum : "As for kissing your ass,its so huge! Where would I begin?"
Why do you insist on pretending you know what everyone looks like? It's NOT FUNNY. You're NOT FUNNY. Your posts don't even make sense most of the time. Go away.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
QUOTE Potpossum : "Europeans could care less to help an American."
What a load of SHITE. I don't know about other countries, but I find Scottish people are more than happy to help Americans. I like America and Americans, and I think, so do most Scots. And last time I checked, Scots are EUROPEANS.

QUOTE - Potpossum : "As for kissing your ass,its so huge! Where would I begin?"
Why do you insist on pretending you know what everyone looks like? It's NOT FUNNY. You're NOT FUNNY. Your posts don't even make sense most of the time. Go away.

If Americans are so well liked then,why is it that some of them put a Canadian flag on their napsacks when they do travel? Ummm..can you answer that?
Another thing,have you've ever left the island DINK?! By the looks of your comment,NO! YOU HAVEN'T! I can also say that if I were to stand beside you,people would say pretty ugly. Me being pretty and you being ugly of couse! I'm a witch who has a good sense of one's character. Its called being psychic okay you psycho!
At least when I've been drinking,your dinkieness suits you!
Btw,your not european. Your a sheep fucker! :Smug:Baah baa
Consider me the lassie that got away from you in the end, holding two fingers up saluting you as I go on my way! It really should be you!

(And to think I had to take Highland dancing because of a smidged of Scots blood! I'll tell you what I would do with those swords if you were near me now! Slice your throat and cut your heart out skinflint!)