Yeah. Bleee! Wheee!! Zooommmmm!Potpossum said:If Americans are so well liked then,why is it that some of them put a Canadian flag on their napsacks when they do travel? Ummm..can you answer that?
Another thing,have you've ever left the island DINK?! By the looks of your comment,NO! YOU HAVEN'T! I can also say that if I were to stand beside you,people would say pretty ugly. Me being pretty and you being ugly of couse! I'm a witch who has a good sense of one's character. Its called being psychic okay you psycho!
At least when I've been drinking,your dinkieness suits you!
Btw,your not european. Your a sheep fucker! :Smug:Baah baa
Consider me the lassie that got away from you in the end, holding two fingers up saluting you as I go on my way! It really should be you!
(And to think I had to take Highland dancing because of a smidged of Scots blood! I'll tell you what I would do with those swords if you were near me now! Slice your throat and cut your heart out skinflint!)
TakinTheMusicBack said:Yeah. Bleee! Wheee!! Zooommmmm!
There - I answered in your own language. Now go away, or make sense.
I was on tour with a punk band.speed said:What were you doing in Serbia Duck Attack?
Is that from the March 15 protest?Protocol said:![]()
This is from Helskinki, by the way.
TakinTheMusicBack said:I "don't know my own asshole from a hole in the ground"??? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???? It makes no sense. Really. You make no sense. You are silly.
Please go away now.
duckattack said:psykopain, you remind me of the people I work with - sad, bitter old alcoholics who think that life revolves around their jobs and the bar. If you're happy to live in a big ghetto, that's fine, but fuck if I'm going to.
As far as Europeans' treatment of Americans - I've seen it both ways. I'd say the majority of people I've met realize that our government is out of control, and has been for a long time, and that the 'people' aren't necessarily to blame; but I've also been given a lot of shit, and in fact I almost went to jail in Serbia because a cop found out that I'm American. Of course, we bombed the fuck out of Serbia, so there ya go...
Profånity said:Americans are just greedy, look at obesity for a start and then look at crime.