Views on America.

Potpossum said:
If Americans are so well liked then,why is it that some of them put a Canadian flag on their napsacks when they do travel? Ummm..can you answer that?
Another thing,have you've ever left the island DINK?! By the looks of your comment,NO! YOU HAVEN'T! I can also say that if I were to stand beside you,people would say pretty ugly. Me being pretty and you being ugly of couse! I'm a witch who has a good sense of one's character. Its called being psychic okay you psycho!
At least when I've been drinking,your dinkieness suits you!
Btw,your not european. Your a sheep fucker! :Smug:Baah baa
Consider me the lassie that got away from you in the end, holding two fingers up saluting you as I go on my way! It really should be you!

(And to think I had to take Highland dancing because of a smidged of Scots blood! I'll tell you what I would do with those swords if you were near me now! Slice your throat and cut your heart out skinflint!)
Yeah. Bleee! Wheee!! Zooommmmm!
There - I answered in your own language. Now go away, or make sense.
TakinTheMusicBack said:
Yeah. Bleee! Wheee!! Zooommmmm!
There - I answered in your own language. Now go away, or make sense.

Know why you were given two heads?
Because your too stupid to know how to use one!

You can't even make any sense to begin with. You don't even know your own asshole from a hole in the ground!
psykopain, you remind me of the people I work with - sad, bitter old alcoholics who think that life revolves around their jobs and the bar. If you're happy to live in a big ghetto, that's fine, but fuck if I'm going to.

As far as Europeans' treatment of Americans - I've seen it both ways. I'd say the majority of people I've met realize that our government is out of control, and has been for a long time, and that the 'people' aren't necessarily to blame; but I've also been given a lot of shit, and in fact I almost went to jail in Serbia because a cop found out that I'm American. Of course, we bombed the fuck out of Serbia, so there ya go...
TakinTheMusicBack said:
I "don't know my own asshole from a hole in the ground"??? WHAT DOES THAT MEAN???? It makes no sense. Really. You make no sense. You are silly.
Please go away now.

Your just too stupid to know an insult! Do you look as stupid as you are intellectually?
And you have the gull to say that I don't make sense when you answer with "Bleee Wheee Zooommmmm"! Just like a scots! Can't understand a fucking word you say! You don't speak my language,because if you did? I could at least find your words in the dope smokers dictionary!

Why don't you go away?! :yell: There is no use for what you say or your purpose in life! By the looks of it,your purpose is to criticize me. Does that make you feel important BIG MAN?!
I was having a good discussions till you showed up trying to belittle me. Maybe your input would be of value if it were in context to whom I was writting to in the first place.
Go back to your cave and find your self a sheep to fuck!
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duckattack said:
psykopain, you remind me of the people I work with - sad, bitter old alcoholics who think that life revolves around their jobs and the bar. If you're happy to live in a big ghetto, that's fine, but fuck if I'm going to.

As far as Europeans' treatment of Americans - I've seen it both ways. I'd say the majority of people I've met realize that our government is out of control, and has been for a long time, and that the 'people' aren't necessarily to blame; but I've also been given a lot of shit, and in fact I almost went to jail in Serbia because a cop found out that I'm American. Of course, we bombed the fuck out of Serbia, so there ya go...

If more Americans were like your self,If I could,I would vote for you to be President!
To bad american congress lacks people like your self :erk:
Oh my god, you have to be the definition of obesity and you are criticising others. You knob face twat arse bollock breath shit bandit. :yell:

Profånity said:
Americans are just greedy, look at obesity for a start and then look at crime.