Viking Beards.

Tully, if you go special forces, you should totally do this:


Now that's a cool looking warrior. They should make a recruitment poster of that pic and go for the philosophic facultites at the high schools, I bet it would be a great sucess -- I know I would be tempted to join :loco:
This thread reminded me that I actually sported a mustache the entire autumn... looking back, I don't know why I waited so long before shaving it off

(don't mind the mug, allthough it is very nice -- this was the only pic I had)
This thread reminded me that I actually sported a mustache the entire autumn... looking back, I don't know why I waited so long before shaving it off

(don't mind the mug, allthough it is very nice -- this was the only pic I had)

Is that a Mumin on your mug or whatever the wretched thing is called?
It's none less than the Moomin father and he's not wretched, but has a philosophical and thoughtful nature

Have you read any of the books? I'm not ashamed one bit of liking the moomin storoes. Even though the childish appearance might make you think otherwise, there's a lot of stuff in there for adults as well. Also, someone fittingly described the books as "the world's most cozy conservatism" which made me giggle
Have you read any of the books?

a loooooong while ago as a kid. i have basically zero reminiscnce of it except it was some kind of weird oddyssey with the usual more or less ambiguous moralistic figures along the way.

And also, we had one as the welcome committee on the Mellotronen cruise, which I found sort of scary :)
