Viking Metal/Pagan Metal

Swiss Metalian

Swiss Metalian
Mar 22, 2002
It would be great if you could list every band, that has something to do with Viking Metal or Pagan Metal in this thread. I don't exactly know what this description says about the style of music, I only know that Black Metal and Viking Metal sometimes have a lot in common, right? Hmm...

Ok, list some great Viking/Pagan Metal Bands here for me, thanks!
@Swiss Metalian: I know what you mean (in starting this topic); I started the one that Dreamlord referenced from a little bit ago. There's just something about "Viking" metal that fascinates me too!

As Dreamlord mentioned, most (if not all) of the bands in the pagan/medieval/battle/folk/Viking metal sub-genres are listed in that thread, but I'd have to say that if you're simply looking to begin with the BEST available, buy yourself some Thyrfing!!! "Urkraft" is absolutely kick-ass, and "Valdr Galga" comes next. You WON'T be sorry with any of their albums!
Sorry but Bathory is overrated. Worst vocals ever (on any album of any genre) on Twillight of the Gods.
Originally posted by maestro_al
Sorry but Bathory is overrated. Worst vocals ever (on any album of any genre) on Twillight of the Gods.

Bathory? Overrated? I'm sorry, but your knowledge of good music is like a small piece of great cake! I think it's better for you to listen to hardcore music.

The vikingmetalrecords of Bathory are the greatest of the complete vikingmetalscene.

I agree that Bathory is over-rated. But so are Darkthrone, Burzum, Mayhem, and Slayer. However, no matter how over-rated these bands may be, one cannot deny their impact or over-all importance to the metal scene. Especially Bathory.
Here's a link that may be of some interest to you Viking Metal fans...

The Viking Metal Message Board
A small community of maybe 20 of us who agree, Viking Metal reigns supreme. If it's VM, we've heard it, and can collectively tell you pretty much anything about it... haha. TrollhorN from Moonsorrow/Finntroll is a regular, and Rob from Asatru stops by. Come and introduce yourself.

There's also a link there to "The Viking Metal Authority", a links page by Mattias Bloodaxe of the VM board, which has links to pretty much every known site on the net belonging to, or created for, Viking Metal bands, as well as most Pagan/Celtic bands.