Nesidara Faery Dryad May 7, 2002 160 0 16 45 Ontario, Canada Sep 13, 2003 #1 I found a website you might want to visit:
Patric Member Nov 1, 2001 2,630 38 48 39 Disneyland Sep 14, 2003 #2 Viking metal sucks, bring on the DM.
T taste_of_flames Member Aug 16, 2003 53 0 6 37 Athens GA USA Visit site Sep 16, 2003 #3 me 3=======D----- patric (oh my eye) die u prikk, viking metal ownz ur ass mwahahahahaha
Patric Member Nov 1, 2001 2,630 38 48 39 Disneyland Sep 16, 2003 #4 Hahaha a thors hammer wearing fag shouting on top of his loungs to bad quality keyboards about historical scenes that never even took place? and im not talking about AA cause theyre not viking metal so chill the fuck out
Hahaha a thors hammer wearing fag shouting on top of his loungs to bad quality keyboards about historical scenes that never even took place? and im not talking about AA cause theyre not viking metal so chill the fuck out
Corporal McDick Sgt. 1st class Aug 26, 2003 834 2 18 38 Israel Sep 17, 2003 #5 Hey, you guys want to be left alone?