Viking Question

burning creation said:
the book eaters of the dead-michael crichton talks about different viking traditions including funerals... i recommend reading it

I second this recommendation...the book is short, but still worth reading. The movie the 13th Warrior was based on it, but as usual, the book is better. In particular I like one of the last scenes, where the Viking chieftain (can't remember his name) is in his death throes because of a deadly poison...but demands to go into battle. Then everyone there sees two ravens sitting on his shoulder (Hugin and Mugin?), even the Arab witnesses it. Great book.
Yeah, it's an awesome book. Nicely done between mixing the actual manuscript as written by Ibn Fahadlan and filled in by Crichton as far as the missing parts etc. The movie is OK, too, but they took some liberties in making it that makes it different from the book, so even if you don't like the move you will probably like the book.