Hi, i was wondering, in the awsome AA song called Ride For Vengeance from the Once Sent From Golden Hall album, Johan starts talking sweedish or some other Viking talk i guess, and i'd really like to know what he says, cause the rest of the lyrics in that track are awsome.
This is what he says that i dont understand :
"Maktiga gudar,
i gyllene slaen.
Hjalp mig i striden
mot sondraparna,
Den hoge skall
For huggen hamnas
och blod skall galdas
i blod"
I think its the best part of the song, its so fucking cool
thx for answering!
This is what he says that i dont understand :
"Maktiga gudar,
i gyllene slaen.
Hjalp mig i striden
mot sondraparna,
Den hoge skall
For huggen hamnas
och blod skall galdas
i blod"

I think its the best part of the song, its so fucking cool

thx for answering!