Viking talk

Celtik Militia

Dumb French Bastard
Aug 12, 2004
Hi, i was wondering, in the awsome AA song called Ride For Vengeance from the Once Sent From Golden Hall album, Johan starts talking sweedish or some other Viking talk i guess, and i'd really like to know what he says, cause the rest of the lyrics in that track are awsome.
This is what he says that i dont understand :

"Maktiga gudar,
i gyllene slaen.
Hjalp mig i striden
mot sondraparna,
Den hoge skall
For huggen hamnas
och blod skall galdas
i blod"

I think its the best part of the song, its so fucking cool :worship:
thx for answering!
"mighty gods,
in the golden hall,
aid me in battle against the sonslayers,
the high one shall avenge the cuts/slashes and blood shall be repaid in blood"

or something like that - stands in another thread
Johan has another speil in "Annhilation of Hammerfest" in Old Norse - Thor's prayer that he says before he kicks everyone's asses.

"`Allvise Ygg, Maktige Harjafader
Guda av Asars och vaners att
Hor mina ord, nar som jag svar
Att om tusen vintrar ater ta var ratt?"

Can anybody translate that from Old Norse?
also here the answer would be found if you have used the search function...

Allwise (allmighty) Ygg. Mighty Herjefather
Gods of the family of asir and vaner
Hear my words, now as I swear:
That I in 1000 Years Again will Claim our Right

Ygg and Herjefather means the same - Odin
Pertinax said:
Johan has another speil in "Annhilation of Hammerfest" in Old Norse - Thor's prayer that he says before he kicks everyone's asses.

"`Allvise Ygg, Maktige Harjafader
Guda av Asars och vaners att
Hor mina ord, nar som jag svar
Att om tusen vintrar ater ta var ratt?"

Can anybody translate that from Old Norse?
Old norse? :confused: More like swedish.
Celtik Militia said:
Hi, i was wondering, in the awsome AA song called Ride For Vengeance from the Once Sent From Golden Hall album, Johan starts talking sweedish or some other Viking talk i guess, and i'd really like to know what he says, cause the rest of the lyrics in that track are awsome.
This is what he says that i dont understand :

"Maktiga gudar,
i gyllene slaen.
Hjalp mig i striden
mot sondraparna,
Den hoge skall
For huggen hamnas
och blod skall galdas
i blod"

I think its the best part of the song, its so fucking cool :worship:
thx for answering!

Hmm, I will try to translate for you...

Mäktiga gudar, (mighty gods,)
i gyllene salen. (in golden hall.)
Hjälp mig i striden (help me in battle)
mot sondräparna, (against sondräparna,)
Den höge skall (The highly shall)
För huggen hämnas (revenge for the cuts) ... damn, difficult :cry:
och blod skall gäldas (and blood shall pay)
i blod (in blood)

shit.. this is difficult, but there you go, pretty ok anyway :u-huh:
$HaMbLeZz said:
also here the answer would be found if you have used the search function...

Allwise (allmighty) Ygg. Mighty Herjefather
Gods of the family of asir and vaner
Hear my words, now as I swear:
That I in 1000 Years Again will Claim our Right

Ygg and Herjefather means the same - Odin

that in a thousand winters once again claim our right

skulle vara min översättning... men vem bryr sig?
riddu Þer <--I think thats right
It's sort of a shame we don't talk the old viking language no more :ill:

:rock: Danmark, Danmark :rock: No one can beat the glory of the Danes :tickled:

Danmark er helt klart det bedste land i Skandinavien :cool: :grin: :hypno:
From my understanding Icelandic is about the closest you will get to old viking languages, considering it hasnt changed in about 1000 years, which would mean its pretty much old norse.

But I'm not Icelandic so I dont know for sure, just a prisoner here.
Illnath said:
It's sort of a shame we don't talk the old viking language no more :ill:

:rock: Danmark, Danmark :rock: No one can beat the glory of the Danes :tickled:

Danmark er helt klart det bedste land i Skandinavien :cool: :grin: :hypno:

ni pratar ju med gröt i munnen! ;)
Allir vita að Íslenskan er það næsta sem hægt er að komast víkíngamáli.. :)

Everybody know that Icelandic is the closest you can get to Vikingspeech.. :)