Vintersorg Genesis


Jun 3, 2002
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Would be interesting to see where Mr. V is heading with his theme (lyrically).. now there's the cosmic aspects in focus... and soon? Maybe proceed to some borderlines of physics? How about quantumphysics or such things?! I mean, why not? It's somehow the next step isn't it? Looking beyong micro- and macrocosm?

Personally, I'd very much like that :) But then, I dunno what Mr. V thinks about physics, but physics is just awesome, I mean, I rarely cross anything that cannot be narrowed down to some physics or nature law in the end. I dunno about you, but that's VERY fascinating. And there's so much undiscovered country yet...

Or how would you think Vintersorg will develop? What does Mr. V think it will head for (if he knows already)
Well - hmmm - even as interesting as physics is, I must admit
that reading lyrics about quarks, gluons, electrons, protons
wouldn't be all _that_ interesting. Perhaps a little talk about
electricity and radiation as well? Write a little lyric about the
velocity of an electron ;)
Ok, so you never know in what clever way someone might write
about stuff, but you still need to let a normal person comprehend
it without having an education within advanced physics . A lot of
cryptic lyrics are cool, but it's not always all that fun to have lots
of lyrics u don't understand. Of course one could integrate these
things into lyrics which are more comprehensive as a total..
hmmm... :dopey:
I thik mr V manage to make things understandable. It's not like his lyrics has been about facts only, but more about the wonders around. When yuo hear that he has lyrics about maths and cosmos, that can sound quite dull and un-understandable as well, but it's not like that when you read them..........

Whatever mr V writes about, I'm sure it'll be great!! :)
I don't think you can make it understandable just like that
if you're _really_ gonna talk about these things. Sure, you may
mention the names of the componenets..

"uaaaa yaaa
and as the atoms are merging
I feel the presence
of a new molecule arise
Between these hollow entities
who share a common..


edit: Well that's just some basic physics for you there, that u all know :D
I do not say he should be writing about some hypothess put up by Hawking in any physical terms... that would be something, even for me hard to comprehend :D

And it's not harder than to write lyrics about stars, just cause it's a little more scientific, is it? At least not for someone that can put almost anything into great lyrics. Plus I stated that there are many things still unknown in physics, there are still gaps in the knowledge, and quantum physics is anyway NOT about atoms, dude! ;) :p

There ar eother approaches possible aren't there? Some song about Bohr or in that way... these man also managed to put very complex things in understandable words, why shouldn't Mr. V be able to do so, as well? ;) It just takes imagination... that's what's so great about Vintersorg I think, that he manages to put difficult things in rather easy yet beautiful ways (if not for the language barriers :( )
What did you say about quantum physics? It is NOT about atoms??
Ok, I have a fairly good education, and we've never really had any
quantum physics in specific, but I have learned what it's about superficially... :)

And now I'm looking at literature etc to make a point:

"..Quantum physics tries to explain the behavior of even smaller
particles. These particles are things like electrons, protons, and
neutrons. Quantum physics even describes the particles which
make these particles"

-Like I said the 1th time. SO you could go up to that level as well. ;)

About Hawking - I am actually reading one of his books right now
. And yes, one could write about that, but for black holes etc,
quantum physics is _used_ in the description and trying to
explain the behaviour of these. Often are stuff like lightenergy,
dimensions and lots of weird stuff discussed as quantum physics it seems.

And here's another approach that really doesn't mention atoms and such as much

Quantum physics is a branch of physics that deals with discrete,
indivisible units of energy called quanta as described by the
Theory. There are five main ideas represented in Quantum Theory:

1. Energy is not continuous, but comes in small but discrete units.

2. The elementary particles behave both like particles and like waves.

3. The movement of these particles is inherently random.

4. It is physically impossible to know both the position and the
momentum of a particle at the same time. The more precisely one
is known, the less precise the measurement of the other is.

5. The atomic world is nothing like the world we live in.
(still talking about ATOMICS )

While at a glance this may seem like just another strange theory,
it contains many clues as to the fundamental nature of the
universe. It may be more important then even relativity in the
grand scheme of things. Furthermore, it describes the nature of
the universe as being much different then the world we see.

As Niels Bohr said, "Anyone who is not shocked by quantum
theory has not understood it."

Ok - back to the lyrics. Of course, I am being a bit provoking
about it, and there's so much to talk about. But like I said in my
1th post. Things must be made comprehensive for the normal person.
But the way you put it up in your first post was still a bit strange.
Looking beyond micro and macrocosmos etc would be to weird,
as it is even for educated ppl. And we still know too little about
such things to keep it as facts. It would easily become science fiction.
But I'm sure a combination of things and some clever writing would make it goody. :)
For the next album which is going to be a concept album, I scan through alot of scientific fields, physics, chemistry....but of course translate it through a philosophical tongue. But still all the fields a re a product of Cosmos, or our translation of Cosmos.

mr V
Originally posted by Lordenlil
I don't think you can make it understandable just like that
if you're _really_ gonna talk about these things. Sure, you may
mention the names of the componenets..

"uaaaa yaaa
and as the atoms are merging
I feel the presence
of a new molecule arise
Between these hollow entities
who share a common..


edit: Well that's just some basic physics for you there, that u all know :D

Ok, I'll do something really special for you, I'll let you see a tiny part of the lyrics for the next(concept album) but don't lay to much reflection to it as it's like 4 sentences out of hundreds....
But you all know that i like to tease you..hehehehe

This is just random words, totally taken out of it's texture, I just wanted to show that I actually uses "electrons" in a lyric.

.....A voyage in science and fate
To disrobe the acceleration from zero
To dive into it and investigate,
Terrifies even the bravest hero

In the corridors of time we’re sons,
Entrapped in lonely spaces
But star dusted electrons
Are my kinsmen, just with odd faces...........

mr V
Originally posted by Vintersorg
Ok, I'll do something really special for you, I'll let you see a tiny part of the lyrics for the next(concept album) but don't lay to much reflection to it as it's like 4 sentences out of hundreds....
But you all know that i like to tease you..hehehehe

This is just random words, totally taken out of it's texture, I just wanted to show that I actually uses "electrons" in a lyric.

.....A voyage in science and fate
To disrobe the acceleration from zero
To dive into it and investigate,
Terrifies even the bravest hero

In the corridors of time we’re sons,
Entrapped in lonely spaces
But star dusted electrons
Are my kinsmen, just with odd faces...........

mr V

This is really great. Thanks man!
Cool, and done in that way it's good. Philosophical touch, indeed :)

It's almost better than mine too. And you used 'electrons', as you said! :)
(Now I really hope you'll let me win this discussion, Ziuwarian)

edit: Just a small fix (that could've been misinterpreted)
I think we need more biology here...:rolleyes: To many chalmers-like words ;)

Evethough I like some biochemistry, and finds the approach to physics interesting... I would like some lyrics on evolutionary theories, ane ecological views of the this big lump of atoms we are living on...:) Why not write about the field of exobiology, or quark-evolution, or human-evolution/ecology, or the most interesting subject of all: social-ecology!

I´ll be glad to be of assistence on wich books you should read ;)

AND: Thankies for the lyrics! But... wich album are they from? the one that is allready written, “The focusing blur”, or is it from the one after that? ( if it is, this is getting absurd, why not invite us all to your living room and lets us hear all the songs, and pretty soon to! )

@LOLdenlil... :lol:

-phyros ( chupi feeling coming through! )
As you said yourself Lordenlil - Quantum physics is about quantums... from what I learned, a quantum is a "Object" without matter (that wouldn't allow to call it object anyway, since an object is defines by mass)

Many laws of quantum physics (if they are at all already laws or just hypothesis) are not applicable on atoms or anything larger within our universe, but in the scale of quantums, those nature laws we have so far are not applicable as well, that's why I said it's nothing about atoms, of course I know how a LASER works, that the electrons are absorning the energy of the quantum, but that's where quantum physics end then. Hope I get my point across somehow :D

The problem is to unify the laws of the quantum physics with those of the "common" physics however. I wonder what other sorts of physics there still are somewhere, on the other extremeties of the universe... who knows?

Ummm, and that quote you used as a description of quantum physics, I'd never read such a definition myself before. It'd be correct to say quantum physics an be used to describe the behavior of energy and mass on atomic an subatomic levels.

Nuclear physics however deals with atoms, Electrones, Protons and Neutrons. Would be an interesting subject, too.

Anyway, I'm not willed to turn this into some discussion, so let's put this to sleep (or pm me on that matter, I'm interested in physical discussion in private! :D )

Anyway, thanx Mr. V for some response... nice to see physics getting integrated so nice in music hehe :) I like those lyrics... now I can hardly wait anymore for that album...