Vintersorg song most listened


Mar 14, 2006
Near Mountains
I'm wondering what song of vintersorg is the most listened by me? well, the song I always listen up is Vildmarkens Förtrollande Stämmor... all days I listen that song... (and at least 1 full album too)

what is the song you always listen ?

by the other hand, I think the most known song is Till Fjälls...

Yes, I am quite sure that Till Fjälls is the most known song by V.

I haven't listened to Vintersorg for quite some time now actually. But there are three songs that always holds a more special feeling for me and I would assume that these 3 are the ones I've listened to the most.
1. Om Regnbågen Materialiserades
2. Svältvinter
3. Fångad Utav Nordens Själ
Recently I always Listen to Offerbacken, Under Norrenske fallande Ljusspell, and Ars Memorativa.
I'm always Listening to these 3 songs, every days!
Also GODS OF MY WORLD of Borknagar:rock:
That's a tough one. Really:D I think it's 'A dialogue with the stars' or 'Algol', but judging by my account (which i've had for just 4 months now, mind you) it's 'Curtains'. Then again I listen to Vintersorg a lot on my discman and there it's most def. something like 'A dialogue with the stars' or 'Algol', also 'The Explorer' ain't far behind. Then again none of them are.:/

Hedniskhjärtad - Norrskensdrömmar
Till Fjälls - Asatider (Hednahären leds av Vintersorg!)
Ödemarkens Son - Svältvinter
Cosmic Genesis - Algol/A Dialogue With The Stars
Visions From The Spiral Generator - The Explorer
The Focusing Blur - Dark Matter Mystery (Blackbody Spectrum)/Curtains
I don't really know must be some song form Cosmic Genesis or Visions form the Spiral Generator. I guess it's either Astral and Arcane or Trance Locator.
Well, it changes alot. But some ones i like alot are Till Fjälls and E.S.P Mirage. Theres quite a bunch of songs i havent heard yet though.
Well, im a bit lazy:D I guess i could order, but im saving for a new bassguitar and wanna have it as soon as possible, but after that ill go on a vintersorg album shoppingspree, probably buying every one^^ Gotta get some borknagar albums too!