You won't like any of his work methinks. The first ep and two albums are full of that thick, dramatic vocal tone, with Odemarkens Son being a little less thick than the others. All of his folk albums contain good music, but the vocals play a HUGE part in those records' unique sounds and I'm not sure you can like them without being able to somewhat enjoy the vocals. Odemarkens Son is your best bet, it's really a fabulous album and much more on the mystical/pagan/folk side than Cosmic Genesis. You might see if anyone can hook you up with a track from that album, the title track might be a good one to look into. Also, try "Svaltvinter."
CG represents the perfect blend of his early and later work and while I adore that album, I listened to it SO MUCH that I burnt myself out on it. I think it contains his best vocal peformances ever though.
The later stuff you should probably just avoid entirely. A lot of spacey, prog influences and his vocals are more like those on "Epic", which I don't think you liked. You'd probably consider his last two albums hella gay.
Personally, I enjoy everything that Vintersorg has been involved in. Don't know why, but he brings a magic touch to his music that fits my taste. Tough to decide which album of his is my favorite, but Odemarkens Son and Cosmic Genesis will always be a couple of my favorite albums.