violet baudelaire vs. hermione


Nov 9, 2001
I was thinking, when the Series of Unfortunate Events movie was being made, the makers of it had seen "Harry Potter" and were thinking "Whoa, look at that Hermione. How are we gonna top this"

So they pick this alabaster-skinned Jolie-lipped sex kitten as their leading lady, in a sort of tinseltown "cock flex" if you will. I bet the girl who plays Hermione and the girl who plays Violet hate each other in real life too (like, who's the hotter adventure girl), like the whole Britney/Christina thing, but with a more autumny fashion sense.
Wow, this is the most 'dirty old man'-esque thread ever!
In my dirtiest moment ever I must say that upon reviewing the evidence at hand there shouldn't even be a competition here, its Hermione by a mile. Not going to give reasons, that would just be going to far. Lets just leave it with her winning.
judith vittet/miette from city of lost children is another one of those really hot underage girls:

The Anti-Chair said:
Sadly, it is my onerous (which is another way of saying "not so terribly nice") duty to point out that while Hermione Granger is a pleasant enough young person with agreeable facial features and a certain ephemeral carnality, Miss Violet Baudelaire has that alarmingly ineffable aura that makes unsavoury gentlemen wish to spend long stormy nights ensconced with her in a treble-kingsized victorian four poster bed designing a spider garden in between exploring nameless chthonian sexual rites.
This, of course, merely being one dispassionate observer's offhand opinion...

Her brother's sort of hot, too. ("sort of hot" meaning in this instance "in imminent danger of being sodomized by suspicious characters with eyes tattooed upon their ankles"

I think it's important to point out that when searching for support for either side's argument, stay far away from non-character photos, that is, pics of these women wearing too much makeup and inappropriately styled black evening gowns; the girl who plays Violet especially looks like shit.
In character, I would probably say Violet. Out of character, well that's a whole 'nother ballpark. I would have to go with the other choice. The one that isn't Violet. Or the picture that Mia posted. In short, I'd probably go with anti-Violet, Pro-not Violet, and anti-not Violet. That is, Hermione.