Visual Kei


Oct 29, 2003
Bondi Australia
Any fans of Visual Kei on here?

For those not familiar with this style, see this article on Wikipedia or the official Visual Kei website.

Also see Global Metal, which mentions it.

Some people don't regard Visual Kei as metal, but almost as a form of J-Pop or J-Rock instead. I can understand why, but there's no denying that bands like X-Japan and Sex Machinguns have some seriously fucking awesome songs in the thrash/speed vein.

The only band that I've ever listened to in this genre is Malice Mizer. They were okay, but I don't find it that interesting. I kind of want to hear their album again though because I liked the vocals.
X Japan has some pretty awesome songs. I wouldn't consider them great overall, though - they've done a lot of boring stuff too.

I haven't felt any great urge to explore the genre at length, though if anyone can recommend some bands/albums in it that are consistently thrashy without all the lame balladry that X Japan does, I'd be interested. It's pretty cool stuff when it's fast, cause it's like video game music on steroids.
Visual kei isn't actually metal, though the term does cover a broad spectrum of bands.

The band Moi dix Mois is actually included on metal-archives but that's out of ignorance really because they aren't metal, or "gothic metal."

Overall, I don't care that much for visual kei, but I don't mind GPKISM for example. In most cases the style of vocals doesn't really appeal to me, but the music I think is fairly good with the variety of different influences.
I really dig a bunch of the Visual Kei metal bands. X-Japan is fucking classic, despite having to swim through a sea of ballads to get to the really good stuff. Art of Life? Kurenai? Fuck yeah!

I also really dig Versailles and Hizaki Grace Project. I'm not super keen on the vocals, but they melodies, songwriting and guitar playing is immaculate. I listen to Aikaryu from time to time as well but they are definately a more B-grade Visual Kei band, only a few good songs.
Visual kei isn't actually metal, though the term does cover a broad spectrum of bands.

LOL - that's the funny part about it, many people would disagree with you, and then many people would agree with you as well.

I think what you mean is that it covers more than just metal bands, and includes some jrock bands too...


Thoughts on the visual aspect of it though? I think the eccentricity of the costumes and stuff is actually pretty cool!
OMFG! Chinese metal! It must be a lot of fun to listen to it...
LOL - that's the funny part about it, many people would disagree with you, and then many people would agree with you as well.

I think what you mean is that it covers more than just metal bands, and includes some jrock bands too...

What I meant is that the vast majority of visual kei bands I've listened to (and I've checked out many) were not metal at all. It really isn't a form of metal. But because visual kei isn't exactly a specific style of music, I'm not doubting that there are bands regarded as visual kei that do play metal, or with a considerable metal influence.
Thoughts on the visual aspect of it though? I think the eccentricity of the costumes and stuff is actually pretty cool!

I think they look kind of neat when the men don't look overly feminine. David Bowie is the only guy who I tolerate that from. :heh:
^ Can't say I agree there, but you definitely gave a great example in Bowie. He plain rules.

What I meant is that the vast majority of visual kei bands I've listened to (and I've checked out many) were not metal at all. It really isn't a form of metal. But because visual kei isn't exactly a specific style of music, I'm not doubting that there are bands regarded as visual kei that do play metal, or with a considerable metal influence.

Again, highly debatable, even within the Japanese circle itself. The looks and the music itself are equally important. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying it's a very highly debated point.
^ Can't say I agree there, but you definitely gave a great example in Bowie. He plain rules.

Again, highly debatable, even within the Japanese circle itself. The looks and the music itself are equally important. I'm not saying you're wrong, I'm just saying it's a very highly debated point.

I don't think it's at all debatable. Again, I'm not saying there are no metal visual kei groups but the majority aren't and visual kei has very little to do with metal. I've actually even seen far more people refer to visual kei as "goth" than I have metal and the goth tag isn't accurate at all either.

I get the impression that you watched that segment of Global Metal and figured that it was some kind of Japanese metal movement...which it isn't.
I don't think it's at all debatable. Again, I'm not saying there are no metal visual kei groups but the majority aren't and visual kei has very little to do with metal. I've actually even seen far more people refer to visual kei as "goth" than I have metal and the goth tag isn't accurate at all either.

I get the impression that you watched that segment of Global Metal and figured that it was some kind of Japanese metal movement...which it isn't.

Okay, cool I get it. We're going in circles here... moving on? :)