Vital Remains - Icons of Evil

Thanks Mort. Your recent (metal) tastes, expressed on these boards have shown us not to be as widely different in opinion as I had thought.
They used to be - and in some respects they still are - my black metal opinions will forever be far removed from the average black metal fans who hail the early Norwegian scene as the best, but I've been learning to love more old school death, doom, and thrash metal - so needless to say I'm shaping out to be pretty much "more typical" (outside of my favorite bands that is.) I've also sort of dropped my love for rediculous overexperimentation, though some bands in that vein will forever be liked by me - especially Solefald but whatever, if you can't veer from the path sometimes you're just like everyone else and I sure don't want to be a clone :)
Mate, I'm with you on being a clone. If I was (on these boards, at least), I'd be fellating Arghoslent, Mithras, Darkthrone etc etc etc

But I don't.

Your particular appreciation for Sabbat and Skyclad does you considerable credit. You may now marry my sister.
I never said there was anything wrong with his vocals per se. The problem I have with the album is that Benton sings TOO MUCH on it - the music seems to have little space to breathe without Benton roaring over the top of it. All I'm asking for is more instrumental passages.
I have no problem with Benton as a frontman or a vocalist, I fucking love Deicide and Benton is one of metal's last true characters.
So, your stupid Freudian analysis is all wrong, twat. :rock:

Now why did you have to call me a twat you little twit? lol Besides rather be a twat then a little twit.. they get laid more lol ... :kickass: But anyways too bad you had to throw a insult into your post because I actually agreed with what you said about Benton's vocals being a little too much on the album after giving the CD another listen recently and not letting the instumentation be heard more... but other then that I thought the drums were a little weak and needed to be a little louder (not because of Benton's vocals).. but as always the guitar is top notch... very rare for anyone on this Forum to change my mind about a opinion you little twit lol ...
Mate, I'm with you on being a clone. If I was (on these boards, at least), I'd be fellating Arghoslent, Mithras, Darkthrone etc etc etc

But I don't.

Your particular appreciation for Sabbat and Skyclad does you considerable credit. You may now marry my sister.


Yep, I know what I like, listen to what I like, don't give a fuck about what other people like, and don't care what others think about my tastes.

Listen to what you like - don't let the big bullies make you listen to shit :mad:

And hell - if only appreciating Sabbat and Skyclad were the key to getting to marry anyone's sister then the world would be much better and significantly less populous :cool:

Yep, I know what I like, listen to what I like, don't give a fuck about what other people like, and don't care what others think about my tastes.

Listen to what you like - don't let the big bullies make you listen to shit :mad:

And hell - if only appreciating Sabbat and Skyclad were the key to getting to marry anyone's sister then the world would be much better and significantly less populous :cool:

Now why did you have to call me a twat you little twit? lol Besides rather be a twat then a little twit.. they get laid more lol ... :kickass: But anyways too bad you had to throw a insult into your post because I actually agreed with what you said about Benton's vocals being a little too much on the album after giving the CD another listen recently and not letting the instumentation be heard more... but other then that I thought the drums were a little weak and needed to be a little louder (not because of Benton's vocals).. but as always the guitar is top notch... very rare for anyone on this Forum to change my mind about a opinion you little twit lol ...

Oh shut up, you fucking arsehole. :goggly:
I don't really have a problem with the drum sound (they're way better than the last album obviously), and overall the album's production is great. I just don't think the songs are very interesting. Still. It's on now, but it's not REALLY grabbing me yet.
Oh shut up, you fucking arsehole. :goggly:
I don't really have a problem with the drum sound (they're way better than the last album obviously), and overall the album's production is great. I just don't think the songs are very interesting. Still. It's on now, but it's not REALLY grabbing me yet.

I always considered their drum sound very weak you little twit :p but give it a few listens and perhaps it will grow on ya... :Smokin:
You have a woman. Singing. In your avatar.

No offence, I just thought it worthy of note. The songs in your sig are cool, paritcularly Carcass and Annihilator.

But you do have a woman. Singing. In your avatar.

what does that have to do with the price of milk in the world? :rolleyes: in other words.. who cares...
this one kicks dechristianized ass to hell any day of the week.
glen is more pissed off than ever,its just fucking great.
all you idiots that complain about it,can listen to gospel