Vivaldi's "The Four Seasons" is the best piece of music ever written

I prefer Bach's Brandenburg Concertos over the Four Seasons, but yes, they are incredible. :)
I lied.

Stravinsky - Le Sacre du Printemps

Total adrenaline injection to the penis.
I need to rebuild my classical music collection, I lost a majority of it in a catastrophic HD failure (Head crash). Soooo... gimme some recommendations, with my hopefully upcoming tutoring job, I wanna fill in some holes in my collection before I start saving up money again.
FAURE - Requiem
BACH - Brandenburg Concertos
HANDEL - Messiah
HAYDN - Symphony 101
MUSSORGSKY - Pictures at an Exhibition
HOLST - The Planets

and the rest of the (obvious) big boys...

and "The Rite or Spring" fo sho.
Stuff I would definitely call "classics among the classics":

Hildegarde von Bingen - Canticles of Ecstasy
Claudio Monteverdi - Vespro de la Beata Vergine
Henry Purcell - King Arthur
Domenico Scarlatti - Stabat Mater
Francois Couperin - Lecons de Ténèbres
GB Pergolesi - Stabat Mater
JS Bach - Matthäus' Passio
CPE Bach - Symphonies
Vivaldi - Quattro Stagioni
Vivaldi - Concerti for Cello
WA Mozart - Requiem
WA Mozart - Mass in C minor
Chopin - Nocturnes
Edvard Grieg - Peer Gynt
Jean Sibelius - Symphonies n°2-3
PI Tchaikovsky - Symphony n°6
Rachmaninov - Piano Concertos n°2-3
Rachmaninov - Isle of the Dead
Henryk Górecki - Symphony n°3
Krzystof Penderecki - Threnody for the Victims of Hiroshima
Philip Glass - Glassworks
Philip Glass - Violin Concerto
Erkki-Sven Tüür - Architectonics
Arvo Pärt - Miserere
Arvo Pärt - Für Alina/Spiegel im Spiegel
Arvo Pärt - De Produndis
Arvo Pärt - Tabula Rasa/Cantus in Memory of Benjamin Britten

[EDIT] not to forget John Cage - 4'33 :D
ok, try being a bit more educated in baroque/classical/romantic music before you make a statement like that, it is certainly one of the most popular, but to say the best when you havent heard probably decades worth of other material from many composers is very foolish
NADatar said:
Holy shit you can almost hear Golden Earring in the background.

Oddly enough Golden Earring sorta sound like fucking. I don't mean a hot woman moaning in your ear, I'm more talking about the squishing sound that sounds like frogs getting stepped on.
Entropiastrife said:
ok, try being a bit more educated in baroque/classical/romantic music before you make a statement like that, it is certainly one of the most popular, but to say the best when you havent heard probably decades worth of other material from many composers is very foolish

What a truly condescending and unnecessarily antagonistic statement. If you honestly enjoy classical music and feel you are knowledgeable about the genre, you should be happy that people are even talking about it in even the smallest degree on what is mostly an extreme fucking metal board.

For the record, I dig Tchaikovsky and Mussorgsky to go along with a nice dose of Mozart from time to time.