Vocal Effects!?!?


Dec 2, 2005
Umeå, Sweden
Me and my band are about to record a cover of "In pursuit of vikings"
and I was wondering what kind of effects to use on the vocals!?!?!?
I will appreciate all the help I can get!!!

"Flesh eating virus devour us"
You shouldn't need anything at all! Though a very minor amount of reverb will give a smoother sound. Add in a little reverb, find what you think sounds good, then cut it back a little bit more.
Also look into getting the BBE Sonic Maximizer VST plugin.
Funny you should mention that - we just discussed that last time we spoke. They had used a microphone at one point that refined Johan's voice so much that the band felt it came out too clean, and didn't sound like Johan...They then had to "muddy it up" to make it sound like him again, the way he sounds naturally, live if you will. It was one of those fancy mikes that takes out distortion, I think, but don't quote me (I was too busy beaming at my brother to pay attention). He does have a very deep, powerful voice that most of us cannot duplicate in "normal speaking voice" as you call it. When he speaks in person, he sounds very much like he sounds in the beginning of "1000 years of oppression", if that gives you any idea. It comes out sounding wrong when you clean it up artificially, like one would have to do with, say, Brittney Spears or someone like that, to "prettyfy" the voice. Some mikes do that automatically. I think the band aims at sounding as much as possible like they do live, without distortion and stuff, so now they're wanting to use some new techniques to get that sound in the studio. The studio environment is very different from a live environment though, the mikes don't work the same way and are set up to cut out backgroundnoises and to "prettify", they have those fancy "spitshields" on them and are mounted so that singers like Johan are prevented from handling and moving the mike back and forth like one can during a live show. You cannot yell full blast into one of those things and have it come out the same as a live show mike, and a really good studiomike would pick up on the hand holdning it if you were to hold it. Makes for a whole different thing, so if anything, they'd have to bring Johan's voice back to how it is supposed to sound, as a differnce to how it came out sounding after the fancy mike corrected his natural bellow. Shit that's hard to explain... it's a different kind of thing to make a voice sound like something it isn't, rather than making it sound like it really is supposed to be. Some people sound like shit when they sing without distortion because they can't sing and they've had their tracks distorted to make them sound good, that they sound nothing like they do in real life. With Johan it's the opposite. Does that make sense?
Yes it does! Thx for that long explanation.
Personally I don't like voices with a strong synthetic distortion...it doesn't sound human, hope you know what I mean. That's want I don't liek at the newer Arch Enemy albums - it's sounds incorrect to me.
Vocals should be like Vader or The Crown Vokills - you think that you are listening to a person with speaks in wrath and with conviction.

I am also trying to growl...but it's not that easy and you should be carefull not to harm your voice. Perhaps I will load up my "as long as the raven flies" cover up here one day :D
But at the moment the quality isn't good enough to enter this holy halls...
i can growl a little bit.. it is not really bad.. but after growling 'as long as the raven flies', i need a large glass of water (or beer) before i can do another song haha
but can you really learn it.. or must you have talent?
Most people have a voice which is strong enough to growl - mans and also women! It helps you a lot when you are having professional voice training because you can learn there how to have enuogh breath to growl...and it's also important that you know how to sing out of you stomach and not with the "head" - otherwise growling can kill your voice! When your throat hurts after one song it's the wrong technic!! Change your style by pressing the air out of your stomach to your throat...when you train a bit you will recognize that your voice has become more powerfull - and it should not hurt! (just a lil raw feeling, your signal to stop! Go on next day...)
Aye. It took me some time to get a decent growl going on for two of the AA covers that I did. They're nowhere near great, but they got the job done. If you want to hear, I made a post a few months back here.