Vocal Effects


The Edge
Sep 15, 2006
Tremont, IL
Recently I had a long chat with some folks in the industry about what I feel is over use of vocal effects. Now this post isn't meant to put anyone down or anything in that regard. Just to get some good debate going and see others views as well as express my own.

See to me many vocalist use way to many effects. Which I do feel there is a need for effects. But if you have a great voice thats powerful keep it more clear and raw. Show it off and just use small amounts to add "color" to the vocals. I want to truly be able to hear every word they are singing.

There's alot of bands in the industry currently that I feel are amazing, but are not getting the notice because people get upset by the issues with vocals. Sadly alot of folks get star struck when they meet such people and don't want to tell them how they feel. Just off the top of my head I can list five progmetal bands that have done this in the last year.

I just feel the most important thing a vocalist/band can do is find the right mix of raw vocals and effects. But remember when in doubt throw the effects out. Keep it raw and keep it real. There's enough passion and emotion in a truly gifted vocalist to show what they want you to hear with out a huge amount of effects. I want to hear a voice and not a computer sounding voice or one thats words almost get jumbled or unclear due to even a simple delay or more.

Look back to the old school metal bands. They didn't have a ton of effects and many are still thought of as some of the best vocalist ever to this day.

That's my view now whats yours ?
LOL well that conversation wasn't with me was it lol, I like it wet baby! wetter is better in my opinion, I like effects, I think they ad to the sound, more is more, a great voice and some well done effects is just better than a great voice in my opinion, as long as it's not taking anything away from it and adding to it that is, of course these can be easily overdone and should be tastefully applied.
The thing with me is I know so many bands and such I end up getting on alot of debates such as this lol. I do feel everyone has there own views and preferences and it's always interesting to hear them.