Vocal mic - Electro-Voice N/D767a versus N/D967

Josh Burgess

Feb 18, 2008
Tampa, FL
I'm looking to get a vocal mic, and at first I was wanting to go with a Shure SM7B, but I'm on a pretty limited budget for vocals at the moment and it would be nice if I could use the same mic live (The SM7B is supposed to be too delicate for live use... atleast for a rock or metal band...). I've heard a lot of good things about both the N/D767a and the N/D967, but not sure which one I should go with. Splatt88 actually just posted a track where he used the N/D767a for vocals and it sounded pretty damn good, in my opinion...

I know that the N/D767a is a little hotter and more clear/trebley than the Shure SM58 and Beta 58, and that the N/D967 is even a little hotter than that and is more resistant to feedback, but I've heard a few people say it sounds its best when you eat the mic, whereas the N/D767a is supposed to sound good from varying distances. It seems like they market the 767a as a "lead vocal mic" and the 967 as a "performance/live mic"... whatever that means...

Anyways, the vocals will be mostly my voice and mostly two styles: "harsh vocals" (modern death metal/metalcore/etc.) and soft, smooth "crooning" kinda stuff... which of the two EV mics do you think would work better for me?

If the mic has more treble than the SM58, watch out for insane squeals if you (or the vocal dude) cup the mic. We used AKG D5 that was supposed to be great (check their "good-bye feedback" site). Worked fine until I grabbed the mic. Didn't even cup it, I just grabbed the mic like Celine Dion wouldn't. My ears still hurt.

There's a reason the SM58 is used everywhere.
The 767 is for a pure vocalist, the 967 is designed for guitarist/vocalists (Zakk Wylde and Dave Mustaine use the 967).

A neat little fact, If you unscrew the grille from a 767 and place it flat on the floor it can take the whole weight of a grown man without warping!! You have NO problems with feedback from cupping the mic (you have no change in tone either, unlike cupping a 58 which increases proximity effect drastically), also I've pointed a 767 directly at the cone 4 inches from a 350watt active speaker and had no feedback!!
The 767 is for a pure vocalist, the 967 is designed for guitarist/vocalists (Zakk Wylde and Dave Mustaine use the 967).

A neat little fact, If you unscrew the grille from a 767 and place it flat on the floor it can take the whole weight of a grown man without warping!! You have NO problems with feedback from cupping the mic (you have no change in tone either, unlike cupping a 58 which increases proximity effect drastically), also I've pointed a 767 directly at the cone 4 inches from a 350watt active speaker and had no feedback!!

Hmmm, good info. So, I take it you are a fan of the EV N/D's...

Other than 767a being for a front man and 967 being for guitarist/vocalist, are there any differences between them sound-wise I should know to help decide between them? The 967 is like $70 more expensive new, but on ebay I can find both for about the same price. I will be playing guitar live, so maybe the 967 would be better, but for some reason I have a feeling the 767a would work better for recording... maybe I could just get both used... it'd still be cheaper than the shure sm7b used lol

I really want the SM7B for recording because I love how it sounds, but at the moment it's a lot to throwdown knowing I wouldn't be able to use it live...