Vocal pre for rehersal...


Producer/Mixing Engineer
Jul 18, 2006
Hi guys

got a question for ya

Got the same problem at all the rehearsal rooms that we rehearsal - the vocals are to quite - and if i try to make it louder - it do nothing but overdrives...

I think this is because of shitty pre's that are in mixing desk

So I'm thinking to buy a mic pre for rehearsals - so i got question - will it help?

as i will connect my pre to the same mixing desk?

or it will overdrives again?

maybe any other ideas?
yeah of course we're all getting more quite when rising the vocals...but it doesnt help too - coz drums are loud)))
I just got a DBX 286A preamp for about $100 used - has been working great. It's got a built in compressor, expander/gate, de-esser & a hi and lo freq enhancer (just a preset eq sweep). Sounds really good when ran into a little reverb or delay right after mixed in around 10-15%. Once you have your compressor set, your peaks will be down, and the gate will help keep the noise to a minimum. You should be able to bring it up a lot louder on the board prior to feedback with the peaks tamed with the compressor.
yeah i was gonna say to try a compressor- i've been wanting to try one for ages with my band on vocals to help em get up there at practise, gotta be conservative with the levels right now- seems i'm setting it up for those crazy peaks that happen every so often rather than the normal level cause i can't stand seeing my poweramps clipping and listening to the damage afterwards on the speakers!
Yeah, you wouldn't want to record a CD without comping the vocals, so why would you want to perform without one? Especially if the vocalist does any sort of range between lows and highs, you are going to be setting your peaks for the highs, and lows will be lost. Get a comp to balance everything up and then you'll have plenty of headroom to bring the overall vocal channel up. :kickass: