Vocal Tips


New Metal Member
Nov 13, 2002
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Hey Nathan Your Voice Is Killer Any Tips On Doing Those Higher Pitched Screams And Low Gutteral Growls, I Can Do Gutteral By Inhaling And Get A Chris Barnes Like Growl, But I Just Wanted To Know If Ou Do Anything Different. My Main Problem Is The Higher Screams I Eant To Go For A Lindberg Type Scream But It Sounds Too Much Like My Voice Is Cracking. Also Any Tips That Would Prevent Me From Losing My Voice Or Killing It.by The Way When Will The Vehemence Xl Shirts Be Back In Stock And Will There Be Any Hooded Sweatshirts And Come To Mass Or Rhode Island On Your Next Tour
Hopefully we play those cities again Mass Or Rhode Island in our Next Tour. Probably by the summer, who knows. I found out I can only do High Midrange Embraced/Mutant style, and clean vocals similar to Amorphis's Am Universum album.

I am still practicing at both and won't display it until I got it downn. Maybe in the future it can get recorded, who knows. I'll I now you need to keep practicing everyday then something will click. Air Control.... I dont know when we will be backing more merchandise, soon hopefuly.
We have played at the Balcony Bar, above the main trocadero stage, it was a small shit whole and I hope we play in a different part of that city next time. I remember that was the night Ross Sewage caught his hair on fire, thanks to my fan. lol His shit was glowing like coal.
I would not recommend doing the "sucking in" vocals, as it sounds a bit contrived. The only advice is to practice, practice, practice. Or if you are really in a pinch, give John a call because from what he's saying on this thread he thinks he's some kind of vocalist who has yet to unleash his gift on the adoring world (*snicker*). :lol: :lol: :lol:
We have played at the Balcony Bar, above the main trocadero stage, it was a small shit whole and I hope we play in a different part of that city next time. I remember that was the night Ross Sewage caught his hair on fire, thanks to my fan. lol His shit was glowing like coal.

You could try the TLA. It's a bit nicer and a bit bigger, but not many metal bands play there. For some reason, there's kind of an unspoken rule that indie rock and punk bands play the TLA, and metal and hardcore bands play the Trocadero/Balcony Bar.