Voice Thread

@tut....i know, the mic sucked.

a closed caption for the hearing impaired (everyone who tries to listen to my post):
"hello ladies, first i have to say, you can't park your car in harvard yard because there's no place to park it. all your base are belong to us, youre on your way to destruction, you have no chance to survive. make your time."
MagSec4 said:
Dilema: You'e from BAAsten? You go to Ha'va'd? are you reta'ded? :D

Bobvex: "..Johanna should put her voice on here, she sounds pretty.." Hhahaha.. you sound like a little horny gnome in that part :lol:
Yeah im from Bahstin, whats it to yah? i go to Hahvahd Squyah to hang out, and im wicked retahdid :tickled:

and bob-you do sound like a horny little gnome....im sorry:p
dilema1362 said:
id say a little too much viagra mixed in with some of that infamous colombian coke will do it to ya :lol:
:lol: :lol:

Well you're a little wiseass prick lately, aren't ya..

MagSec4 said:
:lol: :lol:

Well you're a little wiseass prick lately, aren't ya..

hahaha sweet. youre finally starting to notice. has anyone ever been banned before? i hope im the first. and why do you look an awful lot like wes borland? :blush: and for the record.....i wasnt the one who called you "queersec," ok?
hahaha....of cource i know assgoblin. :lol: what do you take me for? and for future reference, i will not associate you with one of the worst musicians of all time. promise.
Quarie: Yes, we definitely want to hear you. Record! RECORD, damnyou!! >(
..please? :P

Sombie: The next person needs to say this (from dilema)
Wazzaaaaap. Id like to welcome all of you to the biannual catholic church bake sale. please, no donations this year made by NAMBLA

Tut: Hey, my camera may be crappy but it's NOT Brazilian! >(
and by now, wouldn't you get the idea that maybe I do look like a monkey?