Vol. 8


Apr 23, 2003
comic sans MS
Hey, anyone know where i can get my hands on a copy of Vol. 8?
And, is there any news about a re-release?
Cant wait for WE'VE COME...
crossman said:
I think amazon sells used CD's and your best bet is to find a used one. Also look on ebay. There are two of them on there right now so you might be able to pick one of them up. Good luck.

Thanks Cross, I'm on the way....
Sanctuary is good about putting out lots of releases from their bands. Vol. 8 would be easy $$$$ for them because it would cost so little to re-issue. Look for it as soon as Anthrax figure out how to legally release a record from a now defunct record company. There has to be a loop hole, a lot of Sabbath records were released on IRS which no longer exists, but some other crappy indie label re-issued them (i'm talking about the really bad tony martin era sabbath)
Phxthrax said:
Ask and see if maybe somone would burn you a copy for $10 - $15. Hell, I would if I had it.
Yea, thought of that and someone did for seven bucks, I still would like a real copy. Hell, i would buy one if re-released, the fellas can have my money, they deserve it just for covering two of my faves, Kiss and the Tricksters.
Yeah Mr Thrax, I've posted here before about that. Almost every mainstream store here stocks it. It's wierd how easy it is to get here. I even remember seeing it in Target not long after it came out here !