Vote for Nevermore's DNB at BNR...

Oh and I could totally rig the vote, you can just keep voting, it appears there is no limit.

In my experience of setting up polls exactly like that for other similar sites, this usually means a winner has already been determined. They don't even care about votes, they just want people to look at their web page. In the case of a tournament, they want people to KEEP COMING BACK to their webpage.

Nightfall 48%


Dreaming Neon Black 52%
I got my vote in already. I'll always vote for DNB no matter the situation. I found out my dad has less than a year left, tonight it's just me and DNB.
I've been crying a lot. My dad is the only family member on both sides I love.
Well that doesn't really matter, when my father died it was about six years after I cut him out of my life. When he died I cried my eyes out. Losing a parent, one you love or one you used to love, is always shocking and hard. I can't relate to what you're saying and you have my honest sympathy and thought.