Odd indeed, even more when Eternity is his fave, A4 is the album that comes closest in style to Eternity than any other Anathema album...Originally posted by Don Corleone
honestly, is A4 your sixth choice?
Originally posted by Don Corleone
honestly, is A4 your sixth choice?
Originally posted by Don Corleone
but, terry, i really wonder, and i think it's ok to talk about him. even danny said "fuck pybus"...all right send me a private message if necessary
Originally posted by requiem
Wasn't it just because he wasn't turning up to practice, and in the studio he'd just come in and record his parts then leave again... Obviously it'd take more than that for Danny to hang that much shite on him though.
Originally posted by Sopel
but it doesn't change fact that pybus' "anyone, anywhere" is one of most liked songs of anathema, it's not my favourite song from "judgement", but i heard loads of opinions saying that it's marvellous song.
Originally posted by requiem
How about writing a few and putting us all out of our misery if you don't have the balls to write it here....
Originally posted by Terry Armageddon
I know he aint worth it but that album sums up that period for me when I was shit on from a great height and lied about in the press. After carrying yous for years. Thats fair enough eh?![]()
Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e
are you trying to get us pissed so we got angry then explode?
pitäkää hauskaa kaikille,
Originally posted by requiem
Anyone ever heard of Primate Messages?
Originally posted by requiem
Well, it sounds like a bit of bad blood going on there.
Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e
bad blood? no hard feelings from me. it's just a message board, and it doesn't really make me feel upset - i have other worries to think about
Originally posted by mehdi.i.e.e.e
bad blood? no hard feelings from me. it's just a message board, and it doesn't really make me feel upset - i have other worries to think about