Vow time.

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Same. Plus this all feels a bit too 'boy's club' and 'lynch mob-esque' for my liking. I'll be interested to see if it works though.

If there were a less lynch-mob-esque way to pull this off, I'm sure everyone here would support it -- but the fact is this is pretty much the only way we have of dealing with him. It's just a pain in the ass when someone manages to detract from the quality of a forum so much without committing any bannable offenses.

I'm sure plenty of people here feel bad for him because of what's happening, but seriously, it's not like he didn't deserve it. He's well aware that he's been an annoying prick; he's been asked god knows how many times to show some tact and restraint; and he's never once taken people's criticisms seriously.
Yeah I know, and I agree. But the whole "he who shall not be named" and "it" thing is pretty childish, as well as the sig thing. And you can almost smell the glee with which certain people are having fun with this. Hence the "you guys are all fucking lame" comment from challenge_everything. Can't we just ignore his stupid remarks and move on?
It's time people. Everyone copy this line I'll post at the bottom and fill in your name and post it in a reply. From hence forth, we shall all put Dave on ignore, and NEVER REPLY TO A GODDAMN THING HE SAYS. Anyone found conversing with Dave, will then be put on ignore by the populace of GMD and so on and so forth. This shit has got to stop. Obviously I'll be the first.

I, King Richard, swear to uphold my vow to shun Big Gayve and all those who converse with him for the betterment of GMD and humanity.

Get a life, dude.
message boards are supposed to be entertaining. this is entertaining. why just ignore him when we can have a bit of fun at his expense
Yeah I know, and I agree. But the whole "he who shall not be named" and "it" thing is pretty childish, as well as the sig thing. And you can almost smell the glee with which certain people are having fun with this. Hence the "you guys are all fucking lame" comment from challenge_everything. Can't we just ignore his stupid remarks and move on?

Well, a key element to this, besides just having fewer people responding to Dave's posts, is making it clear that we're sick of what he's been doing and that we actually do want him to stop. So, making this thread/pact more noticeable (i.e. via sigs) contributes a lot to that sense of 'we mean business'.

As far as the childish attitude about all of it, and the 'he-who-shall-not-be-named's, I wouldn't mind that going away; I kinda just saw it as a way of humorifying a controversial thread to make it less awkward.
message boards are supposed to be entertaining. this is entertaining. why just ignore him when we can have a bit of fun at his expense

Agreed. This is a hell of a lot more entertaining than putting up with Dave's shit until he finally matures out of this adolescent retardation of his.
I have half a mind to put everyone with that statement in their sig on ignore.

Well. You do have only half a mind.

I, Susan, swear to uphold my vow to shun Big Gayve and all those who converse with him for the betterment of GMD and humanity.

Fuuuuuck I'm using my real name. I think we can deal with that.
the board seems definetly more quiet since my first time here..

btw does anyone planning to remove the vow once the board is quieted for good?
Get a life, dude.

What would make you think I don't have a life, d00d.

I have half a mind to put everyone with that statement in their sig on ignore.

I hope you do, maybe you'd stop failing to troll my posts and try to make me look stupid. You're starting to get really fucking annoying.

This board has been pretty quiet the past few days though. I reckon that it is working.

See if I care.

Yes, I'd say it's working pretty damn well.

Well. You do have only half a mind.

I, Susan, swear to uphold my vow to shun Big Gayve and all those who converse with him for the betterment of GMD and humanity.

Fuuuuuck I'm using my real name. I think we can deal with that.

:lol: It's ok.

@vihris - We are seeing eye to eye on everything. Horray for us!
The whole "vow" thing is, I think, really about making someone feel obligated to actually ignore Dave. I can only speak for myself, but I still feel like I want to read and respond to his posts, but then I remember "ah, no, I've got it right there in my sig that I won't."

I'd be all for having Dave stay and continue to post here if he can drop some of the annoying habits. I liked Dave until he started going over board with this shit and even I started to get sick of flaming him.
Whoa...you've totally redeemed yourself in my eyes for anything you've ever done with your new avatar brother!

The whole "vow" thing is, I think, really about making someone feel obligated to actually ignore Dave. I can only speak for myself, but I still feel like I want to read and respond to his posts, but then I remember "ah, no, I've got it right there in my sig that I won't."

I'd be all for having Dave stay and continue to post here if he can drop some of the annoying habits. I liked Dave until he started going over board with this shit and even I started to get sick of flaming him.

For the first few months he was here, I got along with him fine. Then one day he decided to flame me for some of the most retarded shit, which ended up in me trolling him to death and eventually having you and alot of other people "hate" me I guess for it. I eventually realized that and I was pretty caught up in it but I have enough discipline to control myself. Lately I've done that, I think, but the guy just perpetually got worse and everyone else started realizing what I had been saying for a while. A bit of vindication on my part I suppose but whatever, I didn't really care. But anyways, I think we all share the same idea that there's a line you can cross between someone you can tolerate and someone you want to punch in the face, repeatedly...ok I lost train of thought.
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