Wacken 2k6

Conspicuously Absent

Linguistically Confused
Mar 27, 2005
so i'm really hoping to go to this next year. I'll have just finished school and i'll want a vacation (first of my life). So far i've done some looking around, looks like it'll cost me 2 grand for the round trip flight. OUCH. but i think I can pull it off.

Anyone else planning to go?
Last year I tried making some calculations, and I believe the cheapest method I came up with was to fly into England and take the train to germany. I've been saying "this is the year I'll go to wacken" for 3 years now, seems like im always low on resources, something comes up, etc. Plus I dont know anyone else around here that would really want to go. I think Emperor playing Wacken this year may be the push I need to finally go.

Edit- Plus Wacken always seems to fall on my birthday (August 4) so maybe I'll just count it as a really expensive gift to myself.
we'll should get a big RC group together. Flying to england and train? i'll have to look into that, among everything else, I just did some prelimanary research. probably gonna call a travel agent and see what they can figure out.

but this summer i'll be unemployed, triumphantly done school and craving some fun before I shave my head and settle into the boredom of the workforce.
No, I think I am too old and too lazy to go. If I didn't go this year there is no idea to go next year either.
haha. I considering that very encouraging as to the amount of a good time I'd have. Then again, its not that much of a journey for you.
Still trying to decide if I should spend every last penny I have an go to wacken, or go visit some friends in Ireland instead. If I go to wacken, i'll have to work for a month or 2 in the fish plant to be able to afford to get a job outside of the Vancouver area.

So far, i think I could afford to get there (depending on how expensive travel from Hamburg to Wacken would come out to).

Only things really holding me back are: Costs to bring a tent from home to wacken, how the hell I'll get around with my 0 knowledge of the german language, and the general, I know nobody,and probably can't even communicate with them.
Speak english, hamburg-> wacken isn't far (around 70km I think) so probably not expensive and all trains will be packed with metalheads headed for wacken so finding your way won't be a problem. Buy a tent there for 15-20 euros, all problems solved.
true enough, and one of the first things I'll do before I leave... Sew a canadian flag onto everything I own. Otherwise people might confuse me with an american.

edit: And En Vind... Thanks for mentioning the train, thats what brings wacken back into the range of "affordable"