Wagner Sharp MKII out!!!

:kickass: OH HELL YES! I loved the original. It got tons of use. Man, why do I have to be at work?!? If anyone has a chance to try it out in the next few hours, please post your thoughts. I wonder what improvements or changes have been made. I really thought he nailed it pretty well with the last one. Thanks again for the heads up!
I'm at work too...
I don't know about improvements, but there is no GUI (like Simulanalog stuff), there is no more HPF and LPF and no more mid-frequency selector...
There is the power-amp drive knob tho...

Can't wait!
Damn. I can't seem to download it. Getting errors from rapidshare every time. Grrrrrrrr. Thanks for the info Wild Hades! I LOVE the original and use it extensively. I'm really curious how it compares to the original. Just hope I can get it downloaded somehow. Grrrrrrr.
Ok, here's an extremely short and sloppy clip: http://syliin.com/jarkko/WagnerSharpMKIITest.mp3

It's four tracks of guitars, TSS -> Wagner II -> Boogex with Guitarhack's Mesa Between impulse -> HI/LO-pass -> C4. No bass, obviously. Actually this ampsim sits better in a mix than I first thought.

man...i cant figure out how to get that punchy out front tone

what is TSS?

here is a clip i just made with wagner II

2x tracked, guitarhacks between, lowpass, C4.


what gives? i cant figure it out:erk:
i'm guessing TSS is supposed to be TS?

i've found that the wagner plug can benefit greatly from having some sort of overdrive in front of it...at least v1
Sounds really good. Really 5150-like. I prefer it over the Meshuggah/Bulb/Djent tone you were after :)


i dont think it sounds bad...i just want to be able to get a face raping out front tone if i want...and so far have been unsuccessful.
yea, i can't seem to get that good a tone out of it either

or really any other newer plugs, for that...for whatever reason, i still think the original amplitube sounds the best with some good impulses, but it's also pretty damn mushy