Wagner Sharp MKII out!!!

musickey <- have you used any samples on drums? If so, which ones? :) What was the processing? Sorry for so much questions :Smokin:

No problem. Yeah i used a few samples on the drums blended with the kit, the kick was the nightwish kick i got from the "famous kicks" collection and the snare was a Slate snare, and the toms were Andy's chimiara toms. That song was just a fast tracking project to give our singer something to write to, The drums are obveously not tracked to a click so if anyone knows an easy way to create a tempo map for stuff like this i would love to know.
Cool, Great work!!

The twins are good friends of mine, this may sound weird, but i have pics of your studio and even you in mi Pc haha. just noticed yesterday that was you.

lol thats cool, yeah the twins are cool as hell and very talented i consider them really good friends. we had alot of fun recording their stuff what i remember of it lol:Smokin::kickass:
Here is another Wagner MKII test, Its a project im working on for some friends of mine. There band name is Rotted Rebirth and the song title is Intrigued, shits pretty brutal:headbang:

The guitar sound you've achieved sounds perfect for this kind of USUG "we love Devourment" brutal death. Not a fan of this kind of brutal death but at least it's good to hear something else than the trendiest deathcore band when the word "brutal" is used (and i don't think those bands have anything brutal really... they're as brutal as their emo haircuts and their girly pants IMO).
The guitar sound you've achieved sounds perfect for this kind of USUG "we love Devourment" brutal death. Not a fan of this kind of brutal death but at least it's good to hear something else than the trendiest deathcore band when the word "brutal" is used (and i don't think those bands have anything brutal really... they're as brutal as their emo haircuts and their girly pants IMO).

Thanks man, and yeah i hear ya on the new trend, something starts out with some real substance and then it gets gobled down like gew by those panty wearing, no meat eating cunts. but it is and will always be a part of the process.
Hahahaha, touchy touchy Djab - vegetarian, are we? ;) I certainly recognize it's the more environmentally conscious option (to say nothing of the poor little animals), but I still need my animal protein, and nothing else comes close (Soy protein is inferior in quality and estrogen promoting, and I don't want man-tits - and even if you wanna debate either of those, the fact is I still don't like the concept of subsidizing all of the different types of animal protein with ONE type of bean, for chrissakes. I could consider being a vegetarian, cuz at least then there's eggs and milk products, but vegan, man, forget about it, no fucking way. Hooray for OT :))
Hahahaha, touchy touchy Djab - vegetarian, are we? ;) I certainly recognize it's the more environmentally conscious option (to say nothing of the poor little animals), but I still need my animal protein, and nothing else comes close (Soy protein is inferior in quality and estrogen promoting, and I don't want man-tits - and even if you wanna debate either of those, the fact is I still don't like the concept of subsidizing all of the different types of animal protein with ONE type of bean, for chrissakes. I could consider being a vegetarian, cuz at least then there's eggs and milk products, but vegan, man, forget about it, no fucking way. Hooray for OT :))

Not vegetarian (yet ?) but i've considered it a couple of times, and have a lot of respect for veggies (not for the ones who thinks it's so xXxCOOLxXx like mOsHing and then quit 3 years after (trends... :rolleyes:), but for the ones who have really been thinking about it over and over and are still veggie).

And Earth Crisis rules by the way :)
I tried to go vegan for one week and it didn't work out because I kept catching myself just eating a ham sandwich or drinking milk all the time.

Hahahaha, amazing how they can just sneak their way into your diet of their own accord :lol:
Hahahaha, touchy touchy Djab - vegetarian, are we? ;) I certainly recognize it's the more environmentally conscious option (to say nothing of the poor little animals), but I still need my animal protein, and nothing else comes close (Soy protein is inferior in quality and estrogen promoting, and I don't want man-tits - and even if you wanna debate either of those, the fact is I still don't like the concept of subsidizing all of the different types of animal protein with ONE type of bean, for chrissakes. I could consider being a vegetarian, cuz at least then there's eggs and milk products, but vegan, man, forget about it, no fucking way. Hooray for OT :))

Dont mix up vegans with vegetarians :)

I'm a lacto ovo vegetarian so i eat eggs (minimum 400 grams/day) and milk products (min 2 liters of milk/day + some cheese and/or yogurt).
Egg proteins are superior to almost anything natural and only inferior to some engineered protein powders for muscle building.

Not all vegetarians are weakling pencilnecks ;)
My max benchpress is 180 Kg so about 400 lbs. :headbang: