Wagner Sharp test

As always, great job Matt. Regarding your Wake Darker Skies thread, it would be awsome to hear March Hare's songs with Bob Katz's touch:) :kickass:

Sounds really very ENGL esque - great job! What did you do? Settings? Post processing? :D


BR, SkyMan
Hey Splatt, I'd try to give the guitars a bit more body personally. They seem a little thin at the moment, with that whole 1.k to 1.6k range seemingly being where the crux of the tone is... so it's a little bit flat.

I loved what you did with the Toneport tone in Wake Darker Skies btw... totally amazing fullness from an all digital set-up.
That sounds very good! Could you please share your settings?

FWIW, I think it sounds more like a 5150 than an ENGL. At least compared directly to some of the ENGL clips that were posted on here.
That sounds really good to me! The whole mix sits very nicely for my ears. Please could share some settings (impulse etc?)and recording chain ?
many thanks!!
Sounds really very ENGL esque - great job! What did you do? Settings? Post processing? :D

Thanks! I used the freeware Guitar Suite tubescreamer emulation into Wagner sharp. All settings on Wagner were default except for the gain, which I increased to about 2:00. I used the Harley Benton "ala sneap" impulse into Pristine Space and then a voxengo Curve EQ after that using an EQ curve taken from Darkane's Layer of Lies.

No quad-tracking, just two guitars panned left and right.

Hey Splatt, I'd try to give the guitars a bit more body personally. They seem a little thin at the moment, with that whole 1.k to 1.6k range seemingly being where the crux of the tone is... so it's a little bit flat.

I loved what you did with the Toneport tone in Wake Darker Skies btw... totally amazing fullness from an all digital set-up.

You're right, its totally thin. Sounds thicker on headphones but when I listened this morning on monitors I cringed. I think my Gearbox setup sounds a lot better after all. Dammit I wich Revalver III would hurry up and come out!
Yes, I'd be very curious to see what you can get out of that. Me too for that matter as I've got an album I'm starting the mix on next week and it's the perfect opportunity to try it on! Wish they'd hurry up already.
thanks for sharing your settings-much appreciated:kickass:
Was the EQ curve for Darkane captured on a guitar only part? sorry if that is a stupid question:blush:
im assuming he took it from the song "Vision of Degredation" which features guitars only for the first 10 seconds or so.
I think the guitar tone sounds very realistic, you would never guess it is an ampsim, but it needs a bit more meat to it. With ampsims, you get a realistic tone but no meat, with the pod it's the other way around. Maybe you should blend it with another ampsim, maybe the pod.
I think the guitar tone sounds very realistic, you would never guess it is an ampsim, but it needs a bit more meat to it. With ampsims, you get a realistic tone but no meat, with the pod it's the other way around. Maybe you should blend it with another ampsim, maybe the pod.

It certainly needs more meat. When I EQ match with gearbox on this riff, the tone is a lot thicker. I think a lot of the thinness has to do with the guitar suite tubescreamer VST plugin. It really cuts the lows out. My real TS would have probably been more appropriate but I'm trying to keep my setup to all VST stuff so my other guitarist can send me his reamp tracks when they're ready to go. He does not have an 808 or any good version of a tubescreamer not does he want to fork out the dough to get one!

By the way Frank, your latest JSX Revalver III tone has gotten me phenomenally moist. I can't wait until Michael and Peavey release this gem to the public.
By the way Frank, your latest JSX Revalver III tone has gotten me phenomenally moist. I can't wait until Michael and Peavey release this gem to the public.

Thanks man, it's also using a software tubescreamer do you think it'll be worth getting a real one?

I've posted some nice clips in the past using RvII but it had tone matching, so it was kind of cheating (in terms of comparing ampsims). RevalverIII has made me stop using tone matching because it sounds 3 times fatter than the previous version. That's what the III stands for :rock: