First draft of a new cover (Under the Milky Way)


Jan 31, 2006
My friend Jake finally bought a microphone to record vocals at his house instead of traveling to Las Vegas to record them with me. He wanted to test the mic and started singing Under the Milky Way by The Church. After the test, we decided, what the hell, let's do a cover.

Anyway, its not done yet but here's the first draft of what we've got. I used my brand new Ibanez S and my trusty vintage Fender P Bass with a newly installed Dimarzio pup. Guitars are Wagner Sharp VST into one of my Marshall cab impulses and there is also Line 6 gearbox a couple of dbs lower.

Hope you guys like!


OK, I have put a new version up with better EQ on the vocals and the auto-tuner is gone except for a couple problem areas. Also, I took out the PODxt Gearbox guitars and now its 100% Wagner VST and Marshall T75 impulse.

Click here and stream hi-fi
Great voice. A bit sibilant in the beginning (try to simply automate the volume on those ess-es) maybe. The voice gets totally lost in the chorus volume wise, though. But since it's a first draft, I guess that can happen.

I've never heard of the song and the band, but Jake totally sells it in the verses. Really cool - even the noticeable pitch correction works perfect!
I'm not familiar at all with the original song but I like your version.
I also like your singer very much, I've told you that before...
As for the mix I'd say the high frequencies on the vocals are a little harsh maybe you should cut them down a little. Also I got the impression that the vocals are a little low in the mix during the chorus, I'm not sure though I listen to it again...

I hope you'll post your original songs with vocals soon...
Sounds really cool as usual bro! I love the way your snares go, and the voice is great. Something i find about yor work is that is great to sit back to listen to, whereas on others maybe not so! I first clicked low fi by accident and was about to ask what had happend to your mix :D
Thanks guys. Regarding the mix, I'll have to listen on a system as I mixed it all last night with headphones. Its crazy because the vox seem insanely loud to me! Time to get some new headphones I guess.

And yes, I abused the crap out of the autotuner much to my dismay. Autotuning is something that really drives me crazy about todays modern productions. Unfortunately, one thing about Jake not recording at my house is that I'm not there for quality control. He also has a wife a 3 kids and needs them out of the house to even record anything at all. We need to redo the vocals again when he has more time to do a quality job. But for now, I'm not gonna bitch too hard at him because at least he finally broke down and bought a god damn microphone so we can actually start finishing some stuff! I think I have some songs on soundclick that say "vocals coming soon" and they've been that way for years! Now its a reality.
Good mix, over my monitors.

If you could do Wake Darker Skies with vocals would be soooo cool!! I fucking love that song!! (or Metis, or like all your songs :lol:)

I would buy a March Hare album without thinking. I'm a fan of the vocals on 'the artist formely known...' in particully. :headbang:

edit: I was not familiar with this song, but after listening it a few time I think it's really good !
Good mix, over my monitors.

If you could do Wake Darker Skies with vocals would be soooo cool!! I fucking love that song!! (or Metis, or like all your songs :lol:)

I would buy a March Hare album without thinking. I'm a fan of the vocals on 'the artist formely known...' in particully. :headbang:

On "artist formerly known......" that's the other singer Matt. I love his voice too but he refuses to get on board with today's technology and get a DAW up and running in his house to record vocals. I'll have to upload some acoustic stuff Matt and I did a while ago, too. Matt sang Wake Darker Skies when we were a real band but since we only get a chance to record together in person once a year, Jake will be singing that one now I hope.

...And thanks for the support too!
I updated the song with better vocals and now the PODxt guitars are gone. Does it sound any better?
Awesome cover version man. Production wise there's nothing to complain about.
The singer is absolutely fabulous in the verses but I think he could use a bit of "Grit" in the chorus. Maybe record another vocal line or redo the chorus harmony vocal with more shout / power.
Great as always, :headbang: my only complaint is that the guitars sound a bit trashy, the sound is good but it kind of sounds lika a vst. I liked your guitars on metis and wake darker skies better. Anyway I think you should try a bit less gain on this one and a bit more hard rock tone than metal. :)
Hey Frank, I think I like the guitars on Metis better myself. I just uploaded a new version with Revalver MKII instead of Wagner. To my surprise I can't hear much of a difference between the two, probably because of the Curve EQ filter. What do you guys think?