Waking Up Blind


In the attic
Jan 3, 2002
Ok, so I've been listening to "The Inner Circle" non-stop as I slowly begin to realize it's the best album ever... but every time I listen to it... I find myself hitting the repeat button after track 5 is done... "Waking Up Blind" is simply the most chilling and haunting song in Evergrey's catalogue... it features my favorite Evergrey lyrics... I love the following lines:

"Waking up blind and blind you must be
So stupid of me to believe in your hypocrisy
Gave it all up for a life in a dream
Foolish of me to not stop your infidelity"

They're just so powerful... and quite eloquent... and express such pain... a loving relationship turned black thanks to manipulation....

and the way Tom sings in this song... everything is stripped bare and we get treated to his most soulful singing ever....

the delicate music really adds a lot to... the wonderful rim knocks... and the light guitar motif providing an uneasy tension...

wonderful and brave track, Evergrey!
I think Waking Up Blind is an excellent representation of the person's low self-esteem; especially the line "So stupid of me to believe in your hypocrisy" ... simply incredible.
This has come out as my favorite track on the disc - it's been stuck in my head pretty much since I first heard it. Has a lot to say about the despair that ensues after you realize just how much you've fucked up...
jaimek said:
This has come out as my favorite track on the disc - it's been stuck in my head pretty much since I first heard it. Has a lot to say about the despair that ensues after you realize just how much you've fucked up...
I'm not sure what my favorite track is yet... I've listened to this at least 50 times since I got it a few days ago... and I'm still taking it all in... there's so many incredible songs that could be my favorite... the whole album is just an inspired work of genius...
When The Walls Come Down hit me harder than all of the other tracks on the first listen so I sort of consider it my "favorite" although that really isn't accurate either ...