
I'm about as unracist as you can get (my wife is part black) but this is teh funnay!

When visitors to requested "Planet of the Apes: The Complete TV Series" on DVD, four other movies were recommended under the heading "Similar Items." Those films included "Martin Luther King: I Have A Dream/Assassination of MLK" and "Unforgivable Blackness: The Rise and Fall of Jack Johnson."

Williams said similar titles were called up when the DVD of the movie "Charlie and the Chocolate Factory" was requested. There were three such combinations involving those two movies and African Americans films, she said.
Lonnie Latham, senior pastor at South Tulsa Baptist Church, was booked into Oklahoma County Jail Tuesday night on a misdemeanor charge of offering to engage in an act of lewdness, police Capt. Jeffrey Becker said. Latham was released on $500 bail Wednesday afternoon.

Latham, who has spoken out against homosexuality, asked the officer to join him in his hotel room for oral sex. Latham was arrested and his 2005 Mercedes automobile was impounded, Becker said....

When he left jail, he told Oklahoma City television station KFOR:

"I was set up. I was in the area pastoring to police."....
hey Dick Sirloin!!

Nathan Tabor: in the past, he has advocated outlawing adultery; he has blamed abortion for illegal immigration; he has attacked Abe Lincoln and Lyndon Johnson while standing up for segregationists; and he has blamed human trafficking on pornography.

And now, he's decided to run for North Carolina State Senate.

yay! Columbus always makes the fattest list!!

The 25 fittest cities
1. Baltimore
2. Honolulu
3. Virginia Beach, Va.
4. Tucson, Ariz.
5. Milwaukee
6. Colorado Springs, Colo.
7. San Francisco
8. Seattle
9. Louisville-Jefferson, Ky. (not ranked)
10. Boston
11. Sacramento, Calif.
12. Nashville-Davidson, Tenn.
13. Albuquerque
14. Tulsa, Okla.
15. Phoenix
16. Atlanta
17. Portland, Ore.
18. Washington
19. Oakland, Calif.
20. Denver
21. Minneapolis
22. Arlington, Texas
23. Austin, Texas
24. Jacksonville, Fla.
25. Omaha, Neb.

The 25 Fattest cities
1. Chicago
2. Las Vegas
3. Los Angeles
4. Dallas
5. Houston
6. Memphis, Tenn.
7. Long Beach, Calif.
8. El Paso, Texas
9. Kansas City, Mo.
10. Mesa, Ariz.
11. Indianapolis
12. San Antonio
13. Fort Worth, Texas
14. Miami
15. Detroit
16. Columbus, Ohio
17. Oklahoma City
18. Cleveland
19. Wichita, Kan.
20. Charlotte, N.C.
21. San Diego
22. Fresno, Calif.
23. Philadelphia
24. San Jose, Calif.
25. New York
ive seen this somewhere before.
LOL @ the fittest list. baltimore? hahahaha
nashville #12 though woohoo

hey, speaking of, i got a great columbus quote for you. i read it the other day. ill post it later
lizard said:
2. Las Vegas
seriously huge fucks in Vegas. it's pretty gross.
cthulufhtagn said:
i guess running from the cops keeps you in shape :loco:
hahaha i've been to Oakland once. ended up having a 10 minute discussion with a giant black bum about the merits of panhandling. fucker had about a foot and a hundred pounds on me, and i had like $500 cash in my wallet which i had to conceal as i gave him a few quarters. don't plan on ever returning. :dopey:
hahahaha awesome story NAD. i love panhandlers. i went to air-up my tires the other day and this guy had the audacity to criticize my morals when i opted to use .75 to air-up rather than buy him a "cold drink". hahaha dude was standing next to the air machine just *waiting* for me to pull up.