
Actually, for a city the size of NYC, there really aren't that many homeless. And moreover, NYC homeless just pretty much chill and don't bother anyone (aside from the inevitable smell). I've seen homeless in other cities that are AGGRESSIVE (both Chicago & Vancouver come to mind). I almost knocked this uppity Chi-town my pals cold, acting like it was his right that I give him some change. News flash loser: go fuck yourself.

Anyway, to answer the question, no, I just choose not to give homeless people money for no good reason. Now, if they're playing a guitar, or are blind or something, then sure. But just a good-for-nothing laying about on a street? Schyeah, right.
i almost always give to bums. fuckit, i'm better off than they are and losing a buck doesn't hurt me a bit, while they can go get a can of Steel Reserve and get loaded!
i dont give money because i find it personally offensive that someone i dont know would come up to my car or my family (wife + son) without fair warning. frankly, its a good way to get oneself killed. and i mean either party. people are on the streets for a reason - they have little impluse control.

one time i was talking with a bunch of friends (guys and chicks) in a back parking lot and this crazy fucker walked right up and demanded money. we werent robbed or anything but he wouldnt go away. that thing can be kinda dangerous.

i carry a gun btw. ahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahahaha
I give to homeless that perform, and if I have anything left from my lunch I'll give that to any homeless I see. More often than not, even when they say "i'm hungry spare some change" they don't want food, cause they really mean "I need crack"
some of you guys are really nice. im serious.
i dont think its cool to be accosted though when you got people to defend. friends yeah, thats cool but not when you got your wife or gf with you.

also, bums asking women for money is really low. as men, we should hold women in esteem. not holding doors and shit like that is lame. yeah, they can do it for themselves but show me ONE woman who doesnt like being "treated like a woman"
Conspicuously Absent said:
Not all. Most. Thats an important distinction. My family and I nearly ended up on the streets.
yeah, but i didnt want to get into specifics. dont mean to generalize, theres just not much room here to go deeper. plus, the topic will change in a few minutes.
I won't give to homeless dudes that are pushy and aggressive.

A simple question, a performance or if i'm feeling generous and they're just standing there with a sign and a cup... I'll help the bastard out. And theres nothing wrong with asking a woman, I disagree that woman belong on some pedastal. They're people, and deserve equal politeness as anyone else.
re: women. so you think a woman can defend herself against an attacker as well as you could? thats the whole point. if men have the capability to treat women as something special, they should.
ok, I don't consider a homeless guy asking if you can spare some change to be "an attacker". As I said, aggressive homeless can fuck off and die.

Nextly, I do know about half a dozen women who could kick my fucking ass.

Thirdly, a homeless person who is starving hardly has the capability to treat anyone as something special.

Fourthly, I treat women just like I treat everyone else. Of course I maintain decency by not making the same kind of jokes and shit I make with guys, but I don't go out of my way to do anything abnormal for women.
word. i just think it's lame for someone to ask a woman for money or any kind of help whatsoever. that may be old fashioned or whatever but ask any ADULT woman and theyll probably agree with this philosophy. if not, theyre gay hahaha
Conspicuously Absent said:
I find a lot of that stuff kinda dumb
hahaha chicks dig it though if not conspicuously then secretly.
allright not all of them, but all the ones i know consider chivalry or whatever you wanna call it to be an attractive quality in a man.
dorian gray said:
i dont think its cool to be accosted though when you got people to defend. friends yeah, thats cool but not when you got your wife or gf with you.

also, bums asking women for money is really low. as men, we should hold women in esteem. not holding doors and shit like that is lame. yeah, they can do it for themselves but show me ONE woman who doesnt like being "treated like a woman"
couldn't agree more. now show me yer tits.
I dunno, women as a community fought so hard for equality, so I'll treat them as equals. I'm chivalrous in my own way, without having to make women something special.
i dunno, i give to homeless dudes occasionally, especially if they're at least trying....usually when i go to haight in san fran some bum comes up to me and offers to tell me a joke or sing a song for a buck, and i don't mind indulging 'em if they do. one time a guy offered to tell me the best pickup line in the world (i forgot it...wasn't that good though :p ). but i've heard that giving money to homeless people discourages them from seeking legitimate help, so i'd rather give my money to organizations who ensure the money goes to the right place (i.e. not crack)

new topic:
Chivalry: Fuck it?