
getting criticized right now. i guess ill talk to you duders some other time.
good luck with the women. i made all that shit up.
dorian gray said:
getting criticized right now. i guess ill talk to you duders some other time.
good luck with the women. i made all that shit up.
hahahaha A++++++++++++
cthulufhtagn said:
you've never felt a little phony after a job interview? :Smug:

I'm fake all over at a job interview. I don't let on that I: Drink alot, smoke weed, like metal, hate society, hate their company
cthulufhtagn said:
you've never felt a little phony after a job interview? :Smug:
absolutely not. :) granted, i've never gone in going RRRRRAAAAARRRRR and throwing beer all over myself, but i yam who i yam and that's about it.
once I was NAD said:
granted, i've never gone in going RRRRRAAAAARRRRR and throwing beer all over myself,

So you're being phony. :p

And yes, that line cracked me up something fierce. I got weird looks from my classmates. Thanks a lot NAD. :lol:
Conspicuously Absent said:
So you're being phony. :p

And yes, that line cracked me up something fierce. I got weird looks from my classmates. Thanks a lot NAD. :lol:

Is there anyone directly across from the computer you're on? Somebody should post a picture of themselves looking angry and pointing with a caption about that person, then you should leave that picture on the screen as you go to the bathroom and see if they notice. Of course, said picture should fill the whole screen.
once I was NAD said:
absolutely not. :) granted, i've never gone in going RRRRRAAAAARRRRR and throwing beer all over myself, but i yam who i yam and that's about it.
cool, i'm glad doing that still results in employment for ya, cuz it sure as hell wouldn't for me :tickled:

i'm pretty much the king of b.s. when it comes to smooth-talking interviewers, bosses, girlfriends' parents, etc. :cool:
Thanatopsis123 said:
I was once called a chauvinist by my 6th grade teacher. She was hot.

I got kicked out of my 9th Grade Spanish class for sexually harassing the teacher. All I did was write an essay addressed to the teacher that included the line. "sus ojos son como dos uvas"