
hahaha Air Bum!

my friend has a good system, when he sees a bum coming toward him he either starts yelling about some weird government conspiracy or just coughs on them. works like a charm.

i had a chick with me with Giant Oakland Bum and she was sorta cowering in my truck when it all happened (it was at a gas station). when we pulled away the conversation went like:

"...ummm, that was scary."
"huh? oh, the huge guy? definitely. we're never coming back to Oakland by the way."
my buddy says, "no thanks". it really throws them off because it doesnt make any sense.

btw: whats the deal with getting accosted at gas stations. ive never encountered more bums than i have pumping gas. is it the "captive audience" thing? i believe it is. same with intersections and highway entrance ramps. nothing better than being trapped in a car with some crazy motherfucker talking to you through a window.
guy comes up to me a couple of years ago and he says, "Excuse me sir...don't be alarmed!!! Not every black man is a criminal! Now, I'm a veteran of the 325th Marine Corps detachment and I served in Vietnam. I'm a little down on my luck and wondered if you could spare a few dollars?"

Me: "Sorry, I've got no money."

Him: "You fat bastard!"

LOL he's been doing this for years. He's also approached our database guy and our fax machine repair guy.


that fittest/fattest list comes out every year in Men's Health.
haha, does he just hang out outside of your place of employment? i figured DoD would like drop a missile on him or something a la Syriana
hey gugs:

So Much for the New Jersey Primary Vote

Likely presidential wannabee little Ricky:

"I will do everything in my power to stop anything beneficial to New Jersey, period. I will use everything I have until New Jersey lives up to their commitments," said U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, a Pennsylvania Republican and third-ranking official in the Senate chamber. "Every single thing that benefits New Jersey in particular I will do everything I can to make sure that it gets slowed down or stopped."
Picky bums are the worst. I'll help a bloke out aslong as he approaches me in a humble manner and I'm in pleasant spirits. But fuck! Some of thes ebastards just want to take you for every dime you can spare. A couple stories.

3 years ago I'm helping my chum wash his car. This mojado comes up to me and says "Tu tienes cambio? Yo tengo hambre"? I'm like sure friend, I'll go buy you a hamburger. I walk him a block down to Tommy's Burgers and buy him a chili cheeseburger. Well the ass has the audacity to say "Can I get a combo?" Fucker wants fries and a 42 oz fucking coke. I being the fucking paragon of virtue that I am, buy him his combo. I see him there one month later. Bastid hits me up for a burger...Sorry mate, not this time.

Next story. Some coonervillian in Pasadena goes up to me and says "Hey man I jus got out of da pen. Bin in der for 8 years, yo got any cash for a cot at da YMCA?" I give this shackleless servant 7 dinards. You'de expect him to be satisfied? Nope! "Yo man do yo have 3 mo dollars?" I somehow scrounge up 3 bucks and give it to him. 20 secs pass and this other nubian esque entity asks me for some change. Upon overhearing this...the first Simian turns around and gives nubian 2 a tongue lashing of biblical proportions. "Yo man why yo up in here taking my spot?" The first bonobo native then walks away with 10 dollars in tow. I started talking to lemur #2 and ask him if he's seen that bloke here before, he says he has from time to time. Total bs "I just got out of prison story", plus the fucks who get released from prison always get a little money from the state to support themselves for the first week. But eh I felt like giving that day...Shame on me.

Other story that pisses me off. I'm driving down the freeway off ramp. Some Moonshine faced fuck has his "i'm homeless spare change sign out". I scramble through my car change holder and get him 75 cents. Upon giving it to him I am thanked by the sentenced "Hey instead of fucking around with that, you could of bought my boxing gloves, I got brand new gloves for sale, pull your car over".

Fucking eh!
Dark One said:
Well there you have it - crabs are good for you.

Dark One said:
Truer words were never spoken. And an excellent cheesesteak at 3 am on a drunken Saturday night is a downright holy thing.
fuck yeah!

one night after a Dead show me and two buds were still buzzing and we stopped at this taco joint and all we could afford between us was two tacos, so we split each one three ways LOL

and the chick behind the counter felt sorry for us so when some dude ordered food but then took off without it, she gave us his burritos. it ruled so much.

women always feel bad when a guy is going hungry.

the best food experiences I've ever had was when I was simply dog tired but hungry. Bob Evans biscuits and gravy one early a.m. in PA, and a mexican omelette in Truth or Consequences, NM.
lizard said:
hey gugs:

So Much for the New Jersey Primary Vote

Likely presidential wannabee little Ricky:

"I will do everything in my power to stop anything beneficial to New Jersey, period. I will use everything I have until New Jersey lives up to their commitments," said U.S. Sen. Rick Santorum, a Pennsylvania Republican and third-ranking official in the Senate chamber. "Every single thing that benefits New Jersey in particular I will do everything I can to make sure that it gets slowed down or stopped."

I'm shaking.

But thanks for granting me yet ANOTHER "why Pennsylvania sucks" reason.
Reign in Acai said:
I being the fucking paragon of virtue that I am, buy him his combo.

I may not be a paragon of virtue but I'm glad I see no homeless people where I live or I'd go broke. I've never gone through money faster than when I was in Paris giving to every homeless person I saw.