
O.K So I'm starving this morning so I decide to grab 2 sausage sourdough breakfast sandwiches from Burger King. After downing the first sandwich and a fistful of tater tots my colon drops the flood gates to my gastrointestinal gault. Not wanting to waste the 2nd sandwich I purchased, I carry it to work to give it to a co-worker. During the course of my 5 block destination I see a homeless guy reading a book.

ME: Hey bro how you doing on this fine evening? Would you go for a breakfast sandwich?
Homeless Darky #1: No thanks mang, I'm good.

All is well, I walk 2 more blocks and run into another homeless guy with a change cup out.

ME: How you doin friend? Could you go for a hot breakfast sandwich?

Homeless Darky #2: Nah man that's the King! I don't do the King! :confused: