wanna check a raw/lively as fuck mix of one of the best bands in the world?

I find it kinda funny when people comment about how weak the drums are or how strange the guitars sound ect. I don't know about you guys, but my times recording on Neve's, API's, Tridents, this is how the stuff sounds comin out of the monitors...aka...REAL. I almost sigh that we're so used to hearing samples and overprocessed guitars that we think it's the "real" now. Lasse, I've done some good stuff to tape and used all kinds of fancy gear, and you sir nailed the natural sound so congrats. It takes a ton of time to get a real recording to come close to modern so I understand the passion behind it!

EDIT: What tape and machine did you use for tracking and mastering?
Awesome end result.

I have a question for you, Lasse.

Not from a newbie point of view, but as an AE, how did you get the snare to sound like this?
Not asking for details, but more of the concept... like what did you do differently to a regular mix, because I can really feel that you went for a different approach right from tracking, right?

Cheers ;)
thanks, Revolt!
it was a Studer 2" for the tracking and an old GDR made T2221 1/4 2track during mastering.

Erik: yes, before I even place the first mic I HAVE to have a very good idea of the desired end result in my head.
In this case I didn't use spot mic's cymbals ('cept for the ride), and I placed the overhead mics rather high.
the snare was tuned quite a bit lower than I'd usually do it for modern metal
Thanks for the insight ;)

My biggest obstacle is that I'm mixer exclusively (don't have gear or place to record) and just sometimes I get the bands to track at my friends' studio where I have more control over the tracking session.
Normally I have hard times with the cheap studio tracks...

Great sounding snare, love downtuned snares in any genre :D
Listening to this awesome work once again... It's good to hear some natural production these days! Definitely the way of mixing I like the most for Metal stuff. Lasse, what did you put on the vocals during the chorus? Is it a good amount of a chorus with fast rate? Dig the result!

EDIT: Realizing that I may sound a little pretentious here...
"Definitely the way of mixing I like the most for Metal stuff": Errr, I wanted to say that I like this way when the pros do it, not me (I'm a just noob hey!) I personally do nothing but trying to get almost decent results and... failing all the time! :lol:
Just picked this up. Some great music on the album. And it sounds huge! Really enjoying the drums, especially the toms.
This is very bloody good I shall say. I'm guessing drums are a bit too loud, with a little too much "snap" and not enough "thud" for my taste. During the blast things really got out of place, that's not what a real drummer blasting sounds like at all, haha. Other than that I'm masterbaiting, great one. I'd rape a cat to have a similar tone with my new project once we start recording. Getting it mixed by Lasse would be easier I guess.

/ music is too generic for my taste, sounds like "some modern metal band" :(
// well no, listened some more, it doesn't, some interesting stuff in there.
I love how everything has its own space. It's a thing we rarely hear nowadays. Even I tend to fall with the trend and make super busy mixes. Honestly , to those few people who said that doesn't sound natural, find me a mix sounding more natural yet so good than that... There are not so many you can name.
I'd just like to chime in here and say that you can hear the rest of the record at http://trials.bandcamp.com.

Thanks everyone for the kind words. And for those of you who didn't like it -- well shit, there's not much you can do about it now. Ha!
Sounds great Lasse! I'm curious how you handled that far set of room mics. Did you align them after the fact with the closer rooms or just squash the transients out of them/some other mystic voodoo? I've tried the extra far secondary rooms thing before, but it just seems to make things indistinct (unless they're mixed so low that they may as well not be there). When I do it, the main thing I hear it adding is a secondary transient noticeably separate from the original one.