Wanna hear joey singing John's songs!


New Metal Member
Oct 29, 2005
Wouldn't it be freakin cool to hear Joey sing Fuel or Only? I still think Deathrider is the best metal song ever...:headbang:
johnnieCzech said:
Why not? Joey sucks on Deathrider bad, from what I've heard

I think he does really well on the Alive 2 DVD actually judging from a thread a while back it's a lotta people's fav song from the DVD!

BTW I do think it would be cool to hear Joey sing a few post Joey era songs, but please not too much I rather hear new songs and the old stuff!
johnnieCzech said:
Why not? Joey sucks on Deathrider bad, from what I've heard
Stick a dick in your ear and fuck what you heard!
(Just kidding, I just had to say it):D
Deathrider is not one of Joey's best and you could say the same about John's Medusa.
Bruce Dickinson is one of the best, but I prefer the original versions of Paul Di'Anno songs.
I'm a big Joey fan, but I'll go along with the idea that John's versions of older songs would be better than Joey's versions of the newer ones.
Either way they would still be good.
:hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump: :hotjump:
I REALLY don't want to hear Joey destroying Bush songs. I like the Joey stuff and every once in a while I like to pop in a Bellthrax disc, but, you know, sleeping dogs...
Why would anybody want to hear Joey fuck up some really kick ass metal songs. No thanks!!!! He can't even sing original Anthrax stuff anymore.
omg lol wtf bbq this is like the 10,000 thread about this stupid shit. They did not do a REUNION to sing John's shit. When John was in the band, he was a replacement, so he was expected to pull off anything from their catalog. Joey is not a replacement, he is a re-united. They are only gonna play shit with Joey that they played with him in the first place. And with all do respect it would probably sound like ass anyway.

p.s. Deathrider was not so hot with Joey because his falseto is all off key. It was still cool but - the DVD had other moments that were better.
So you mean I'll never get to hear a song released after SOWN ever again? Boy, that makes me want to run out and buy a concert ticket.
I know, right! Dismising 4 albums worth of material (really it's more like 5 or 6 if you add up all the b-sides) just to have a reunion. I liked the idea of having Jon AND Joey on the reunion tour, it's ashame that could not work out.
Well John sang some of the Joey era songs, so why not give it a try ?

I think the anti-Joey/this reunion sucks party will never accept Joey, no matter how good he sounds.

At the end of the day, they guys in Anthrax will do whatever the hell they want - that is one thing I have always respected about this band. We can all have our opinions, but ultimately it is the guys on the stage that make the final decision.
Thrillho is right about the reuinon thing. We'll see what happens next. Even if the reunion is permanent, which I hope not but think so, the Bush era songs shouldn't be doomed forever.
ThraxSA said:
Well John sang some of the Joey era songs, so why not give it a try ?

I think the anti-Joey/this reunion sucks party will never accept Joey, no matter how good he sounds.

At the end of the day, they guys in Anthrax will do whatever the hell they want - that is one thing I have always respected about this band. We can all have our opinions, but ultimately it is the guys on the stage that make the final decision.

I agree 100%. I also think if it sounds good then they should do some bush stuff, I would love to hear it