Wanna hear joey singing John's songs!

Mickenglanduk said:
I agree 100%. I also think if it sounds good then they should do some bush stuff, I would love to hear it

I wouldn;t mind if they did a few highlight like "Only", "Room for one More" or well ehhh.....maybe "What Doesn't Die"....
Thrillho said:
When John was in the band, he was a replacement, so he was expected to pull off anything from their catalog. Joey is not a replacement, he is a re-united.
ahhhh.... Joey wasn't the original singer so wouldn't he be a replacement to by your definition? The biggest fact is that John was BY FAR the longest standing member. I respect you and all dude but you couldn't be more wrong. John was not just a replacement, ya gotta give him a little more credit than that.
he was a replacement back in 93, of course Joey also was in 1984 but that was different ANTHRAX hadn't yet made their impact on the market yet and only released one album.

When John joined they were bigger than ever based on sales of albums like "persistence of time"...
spacebeer said:
he was a replacement back in 93, of course Joey also was in 1984 but that was different ANTHRAX hadn't yet made their impact on the market yet and only released one album.

When John joined they were bigger than ever based on sales of albums like "persistence of time"...
Good point. I just mean, that having been with the band for 12 years, Johns legacy with Anthrax has to be more than just a Replacement singer.
spacebeer said:
LOL are you on crack or something?

he he ..... yer, and I suppose Scott is crap at playing those original Anthrax songs and Charlie can't drum anymore either......

Seriously, saying Joey can't sing the original Anthrax songs anymore ... that is the most rediculous statement I have heard in a while.......
ThraxSA said:
Seriously, saying Joey can't sing the original Anthrax songs anymore ... that is the most rediculous statement I have heard in a while.......

How 'bout Geo W. Bush - President......
DumbAss said:
ahhhh.... Joey wasn't the original singer so wouldn't he be a replacement to by your definition? The biggest fact is that John was BY FAR the longest standing member. I respect you and all dude but you couldn't be more wrong. John was not just a replacement, ya gotta give him a little more credit than that.

You took that the wrong way. Yes Joey was a replacement, but he only had one album to catch up with - and he had a similar style (minus the screeches put out by Turbin). John WAS a replacement as well, and yes, he was the longest running singer in the band, and I wish he was still singing for them. I had fun at the reunion show and all, and I love the shit they did with Joey, and I thought Joey put on an awesome show - but I love the stuff they did with Bush too, and I really missed hearing that stuff at the reunion show. SO they either need to get John back, tour with John AND Joey, or freaking Armored Saint has to do something again. I'm selfish, and I want Bush. You can all quote me on that.
I don't see why you guys are getting all bent out of shape over my use of the word "replacement." When a member leaves the band or is kicked out, someone is brought in to replace them - I didn't say it to be an insult.
Thrillho said:
I don't see why you guys are getting all bent out of shape over my use of the word "replacement." When a member leaves the band or is kicked out, someone is brought in to replace them - I didn't say it to be an insult.
Hey man, I guess I must have completely misunderstood your comments. When you use a word like replacement it sounds like your saying John was just filling in for someone, or that he's not a legitamate member of the band.
But hey, that's just how I saw it....which obviously wasn't what you meant.
Nah, he was in the band longer then Joey and Neil combined. If nothing else, that has to say something about his workability with the rest of the band. And he is greatly missed by me. You guys overanalyze too much - I used the word as it is defined and everyone looks at it as an insult! When I get a flat tire, I get a new one. When I break a string, I buy a new pack of strings, when I fire my singer, I hire a new one.......... you guys with me yet?