Want some "acoustic panels" to isolate my 4x12 in a bedroom...


Nov 8, 2005
NJ, U.S.A.
Hey guys,

My plan is to mic my 4x12 cab down the hall in my bedroom, and to use my music room as a "control room." I'm soldering a heavy-duty speaker cable and all.


I would like to build some panels that will benefit my recorded tone without adding to the actual room.

I want to use wooden planks and rockwool. Where should these be positioned in relation to the cab? Sides and in front? How about the top?

Some info would be much appreciated. I want to use these strategically, rather than guessing. The room is small, and very dead sounding as it is. It is carpeted and has my bed, dresser, book shelf, etc.


The deadness of the room to me is good...that is what I meant. I want to kill some of the crazy reflections that will happen in a small room or other acoustic problems.

I would say just build 2 "gobos" (the name for 'em in studio jargon ;)) and position 'em as two sides of a triangle, with the cab being the bottom of (when looking from the top down). I don't think you need to worry too much about reflections from the ceiling, especially cuz you've got a straight cab
Yeah, that'd definitely help I'd say! And if you can afford it OC703 is naturally gonna be the more durable choice, and comes in 2x4 panels, which would work perfectly :)