Want to buy Jackson but need help!!

i have a jackson rr5 and i love it.. at first it played well but not sounded well... i beefed up the string gauge, whacked some emgs in it, shielded the electronics properley, replaced the cheap gold hardware with high quality black hardware and added locking tuners and straplocks and i now have a snarling metal beast.. sounds perfect for bodom and the like and overall cost me about £1000 (not sure how much that equates to in dollars), hope this helps though. now to get me an rr1 :)
Can I hijack this thread a little since there's all this Jackson talk going on?

Years ago I used to own a black V Jackson Rhodes EX. I bought it new, paid $450 or something in 1991/92. How easy/difficult will it be for me to locate such an axe these days and am I going to pay out the ass for it?

I really want to have exactly what I had, it treated me very well and was worth every penny. I sat around and rubbed it with a diaper... godly axe for death metal.
sinisterbass said:
The good news is, According to the Jackson dude that visited the store a few weeks back, they've actually upgraded the Japanese Jacksons to include real floyd rose tremolos and you can get them with either EMG or Seymour Duncan pickups.

Thats really good news.

I have a Jackson Warrior WRMG.I'm happy with it but
i will change the lisenced floyd rose to an original one and EMG-HZ s passive PUps to EMG 85/81.I couldnt find an original floyd rose and i want to ask if there is just one model of original floyd rose that i can put on my Jackson or there are more than one model(pluriel) types.Also if u guys know a site which have these original floyds and ships world wide that would be great.

ChrisBuckler said:
Hey all i was wondering if anyone can give me some good advice. Im trying to figure out which of the randy rhodes series id like. I know i want a V but im having trouble figuring out which one is the sickest. Could u guyz gimi a hand? (im trying not to spend over 1500 :)):hotjump:

none of them, get an ibanez...
i know this thread is a little old, but if you havent bought it yet, i would suggest a model WITHOUT a floyd rose, unless you plan on doing a lot of dive bombs, floyd roses are a bitch. get a string thru body, and if they have a tune-o-matic bridge