Want to Hear some Morgana Lefay?

Hawk said:
Great news on a sad day! I hope to see them live.
Still planning to travel to the states for the next prog-power!
Man if anything this should teach us NEVER to take the artists for granted ......... now more than ever I am looking forward to Progpower and meeting you in the flesh! ... I need to go see some shows! I am really confused and dont know what the fuck to think I'm still in a state of shock as is everybody else! WHAT THE FUCK!!!! ..... ugh fucking A I dont know what to do....
I think I first heard Red Moon off of Knowing Just As I and was blown away. Who the hell is this band? Since then, I've got nearly everything, but Morgana Lefay's debut CD, Symphony of the Damned, is their best; flat-out awesome. The Seventh Seal is a very close second. This band, if they ever tour again in Europe and play festivals, would force me to pony up the dough for a flight out there...

They do have a site here on UM, not a whole lot of activity, but the drummer posts.

Watch out for the self-titled CD from the Persson's -- this one is totally unlike all other Morgana Lefay work, a result of a split between band factions. This one with the gun/bullet on the cover, is not good at all.