War in Darfur - UN bystanders and hypocrisy


InSaNiTy'S CrEsCeNdO
Hi, i don't know if the forum has already been through this topic, but well if it is so the moderator can delate it without worries.
I'm getting lately interested in what is happening in Darfur, Sudan.

For the one who don't really know about it, i have a brief summary of what i do know:
Sudan is lived by two different races, Arabs in the north and blacks in the south, which didn't like each other and fought for a long time. The north went through persistent drought, so the people moved to the West -where Darfur is- and where the southern blacks lived. So the arabs started killing the blacks,but the situation wasn't that bad. After a while the south found out that they have oil, so the arabs -which were without land because of the drought- wanted the money from it, but without sharing with the south. Therefore they had the nice idea of killing them all, because they already hated the race, and then wanted the land, so why just don't get rid of them? And this is how the genocide started.

The UN Human Rights say that whereas there's genocide, other countries have to intervent and stop it. So the big powers have tried for a while to not use the word "genocide", but now it's too much and they are forced to admit that there are "acts of genocide" (which still is not the propriate use of the word) happening there, and they "might decide to do something".

The questions i'd like you to think about are: knowing that in the UN Security Council there are nations (Sudan, Russia, China) that are getting benefits from being bystanders, what, if something, can be done to stop the war? And what do you think about the hipocrysy of the UN which is supposed to defend human rights?

Come up with everything you know, want to say, and want to ask about it to the others.
I hope i pictured the thing well, if some of the informations i've given are incorrect, please correct me ^^
You can find more tetails in articles all over the net.
Yes it is very hypocritical of the UN not to do anything. There is a great reluctance to use the term "genocide" for such events, particularly because it is supposed to be a term that reminds people of Nazis for political reasons. The western powers don't like people to be aware of all these massacres and wars going on around the world.

Take the war in the Congo for example. It is killing 38,000 people each month according to the Lancet medical journal.

"Congo is the deadliest crisis anywhere in the world over the past 60 years," said Richard Brennan, health director of the New York-based International Rescue Committee and the study's lead author."

"Ignorance about its scale and impact is almost universal and international engagement remains completely out of proportion to humanitarian need,"


Charles Darwin said in "The Descent of Man", that it is a natural process that tribes will "spread and supplant other tribes". So that is one philosophical view one may take.
It's the same with EVERY conflict on Africa though isn't it. I mean we see the exact same ignorance of the situation in Zimbabwe, though not a war, it is just as bad.

The rest of the world doesn't give a damm so will never act.
The reason thw est doesn't "advertise" these situations is it will take people's attention from the things they want you to notice.
They don't want a war in Congo or a need to intervene in Sudan as it's too much hard work, and there's nothing to gain. They'd rather you concentrated on spending your $ or £ and didn't worry about some "shitty" country with no hopes.
Norsemaiden said:
Charles Darwin said in "The Descent of Man", that it is a natural process that tribes will "spread and supplant other tribes". So that is one philosophical view one may take.
Yeah, i guess is a nice one in which find refuge

"They don't want a war in Congo or a need to intervene in Sudan as it's too much hard work, and there's nothing to gain. They'd rather you concentrated on spending your $ or £ and didn't worry about some "shitty" country with no hopes."
Cina has investments in the oil over there, while Russia is giving them army to fight. So more than lazy, i think they're..mm...i don't know the word that means that one cares about its own profits...
And here it comes the problem: Human Right vs "egoism"(can't find the word sorry), which looks unsolvable
Mmm no...I guess i was referring to something more like selfish, but not exactly that, because a nation of course should be a little selfish and regard its economy...so i didn't find the word yet..something like salfish but not in the dispregiative meaning of the word...
African States: Algeria (2007), Cameroon (2009), Djibouti (2009), Gabon (2008),
Ghana (2008), Mali (2008), Mauritius (2009), Morocco (2007), Nigeria (2009),
Senegal (2009), South Africa (2007), Tunisia (2007) and Zambia (2008)

Asian States: Bahrain (2007), Bangladesh (2009), China (2009), India (2007),
Indonesia (2007), Japan (2008), Jordan (2009), Malaysia (2009), Pakistan (2008),
Philippines (2007), Republic of Korea (2008), Saudi Arabia (2009) and Sri Lanka (2008)

Eastern European States: Azerbaijan (2009), Czech Republic (2007),
Poland (2007), Romania (2008), Russian Federation (2009) and Ukraine (2008)

Latin American & Caribbean States: Argentina (2007), Brazil (2008) , Cuba (2009),
Ecuador (2007), Guatemala (2008), Mexico (2009), Peru (2008) and Uruguay (2009)

Western European & Other States: Canada (2009), Finland (2007), France (2008),
Germany (2009), Netherlands (2007), Switzerland (2009) and United Kingdom(2008)
I don't like the Un, infact i'm critiqizing it, but sadly that is who makes decisions. Anyway, the shame that the article describes, in my opinion doesn't depend much on the UN but on the fact that all over the world one becames the "justice defender" not because is a good person but because of the benefits he gets from it -of course this is a generalism, but that's what i'm seeing all around-, therefore shames of this kind happen in every justice institution. The UN has its part in it, because the punishment is A BIT different, but let's not blame it completely and let's give a look to who is actually acting.

Thanks for the article anyway,i didn't know about it :)