War Pigs

I keep hearing shit about my bro's battalion, 3rd battalion 502 infantry division, charlie company.......He's a SGT. This shit is scaring me.
Well, I'm here in Brazil, a pacific country. There's nothing to worry here hehehe
Well, Bush is gonna regret all the shit he's doing now.
Whatever dude...
ForbiddenAngel said:
This shit is scaring me.

Same here, Forbidden!!
War always scares me, no matter what, where or when!
Hold on tight, people all over the world!!
I can't even imagine what it must be like for you guys, living in The States..
Take care!!

Yes, the war has begun, but not to a large scale degree yet. We apparently thought that we knew where Saddam was and tried to take him out, of course, we probably didn't. The true death and destruction that we shall cause shall soon tragically commence though.
N/P: Devin Townsend-Seventh Wave
Iris said:
Same here, Forbidden!!
War always scares me, no matter what, where or when!
Hold on tight, people all over the world!!
I can't even imagine what it must be like for you guys, living in The States..
Take care!!


Thanks for the comfort Iris, much appreciated. I actually feel safe here in the states, I can't imagine being anywhere else. My concern is with my bro who's in Kuwait, 101st Infantry. SGT. C.M. Golden. I wish him luck, safety, and to whip the fu*k out of Iraqi Soldiers ass'.
And you know this how? You fucking spoke to him personally? You fucking people piss me off sometimes.
it is too obvious ..
i am sure u know that almost everyone in the white house has oil companies and stuff ...or they are into oil business ...
u think ur president just wants to kill the dictator to make the world a better place to live and stuff ?
IOfTheStorm said:
bush doesnt care just to take saddam out ...
he wants the whole country burned to the ground

IOofTheStorm, That's exactly what Bush wants, to only take Saddam and his regime OUT. Saddam is a direct threat to the US not so much the country of IRAQ, he wants to make Iraq free for the Iraqi ppl as well. Why would he want to burn it to the ground when he's planning to take it over.
IOfTheStorm, I've seen you post plenty of times. You're not this stupid.

I will not go over this again, I've done so too many times in the past few days.


Do some fucking research and learn something, instead of just posting liberal nonsense that has absolutely NO CONCRETE BACKING other than your opinion.
Saddam is a direct threat to the US not so much the country of IRAQ, he wants to make Iraq free for the Iraqi ppl as well. Why would he want to burn it to the ground when he's planning to take it over.
North Corea is a MORE DIRECT threat to the US , they said " we are going to attack u and kick ur ass"
why did they not attack north corea ?
he wants to make Iraq free ? how , by bombing it ?
markrugs haha it is not about oil ? come on $$$$ that is all about ..
do some research ?
and what did ur research shown ?

Well maybe we'll talk more later, I have some news to watch right now..............................................See ya in a liittle while.
See, this is what war does to people. It causes more and more violence. Sure, maybe sometimes war will get rid of a ruthless dictator, but truly, that is only delaying man's demise. War only causes more anger and hatred. Maybe not from a large group of people, maybe from a small group of people, but people are easily manipulated, and that small group soon turns into a large one and more violence pursues. War never ends, and it never shall. It's just a virus that subsides for a while, only to come back, with more destructive technology. And true, you can argue that man's will to live shall stop him from using nuclear weapons, but it is that same will that shall cause him to use them.