War Pigs

Hear hear LOM.
Markgugs-Every war, Every single fucking war EVER was about money, power or land.
If you think this is for "Freedom" or "Liberty" or any other bullshit high term then you sir, are a fool.

Btw.... Look at how many of your congressmen have interests in oil companies. Then say it's not about oil.
IOfTheStorm, what u bother about these fanatics? they won't listen, they won't even think about you possibly beeing the one who's RIGHT!
and the same is with us who say bush go burn in hell, this war is shit, all about $$$ and so on ...
I tellya, whatever they say is just meaningless for me - so ... fuckin deadend
"beyond repair, down in despair..."

only when the human species is erradicated, the Universe will become free..... unbelievable.

heya Serge.
haha, and on the radio like retards, Lennon and co. "all we are sayin is give peace a chance". buahaha..... yeah, seems we'll get the rights back on the head of the state. we didn't support the U.S. aren't we bad or what?
and we are fucked, cuz the only world force is mad. :eek: to me it'll be always the same, like for all the small ones. the big fight for the meat, the bones fly over to the dogs. which fight about them, then. they will never get it.
but whatch out - if don't be very caucious the dogs will come ... u know what dogs i mean? the dogs of war ... they will come and bark ... and bite ... and crush bone and soul
they came already (in whichever sense), they are 1250 miles away.
I'm cool with that. if you want it, you have it. it's perpetuum mobile. I lost the dearest memeber of my family (outside the narrow circle) in the war. dead and gone. not much is changed.
hey forbidden angel, hope your bro gets back safe. I have a bud over there, we are thinking of them.
drove on base for work today, mil police with shotguns at the gate. we are taking this seriously.
sad to say bush and powell say korea is a "regional concern," leaving them ultimately up to japan and china,,,unfortunately this does not coincide with their policy in Iraq. I may not agree with all this administration's policies but I will not abandon faith in my nation's military, who have to go where bush sends them without debate. they will kick major ass and I hope they suffer minimal casualties.

p.s. do you all know why Germany and France were so against this? they don't want the proof of they're selling saddam materials for nukes.
Serge said:
IOfTheStorm, what u bother about these fanatics? they won't listen, they won't even think about you possibly beeing the one who's RIGHT!
and the same is with us who say bush go burn in hell, this war is shit, all about $$$ and so on ...
I tellya, whatever they say is just meaningless for me - so ... fuckin deadend

Don't playa hate! Don't look down on ppl for what they believe in our downgrade those who think of this war totally different then you. Feel free to voice ur opinion about this war, but again don't look down on thers whom have a different view, that doesnt make their views meaningless, It just makes it theirs, just like u have urs.
Good luck with your bro. I have a close relative that shipped out in January ( A Company, 1st Tank Battalion, 1st Platoon, SGT as well). And also have 3 close friends shipping out within the next 3 weeks.

Maybe, just maybe, they can make this quick and efficient and get them back here. Heh. right.
Iced Dragon said:
War is big bushiness!!!

the reason Bush can't be killed is because he's already braindead!

yeah, my Belgian opinion hehe.
As a fellow Belgian, I second that! Even though Saddam is no saint, this is a dirty war. Good thing Europe hasn't gotten too involved in this (except for Bush's lapdog Tony Blair that is).

Edited punctuation
given that half of belgium is basically french, I'm not surprised at your lacks of spine.